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Cover: Delete "Public Review Draft/ June 2016" <br />Title Page: Delete "Draft for Public Review" and "June 2016." Add date of actual adoption. <br />Table of Contents: Adjust page numbers as needed to reflect changes throughout document. Add <br />"Appendix A: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program" <br />Vision, p. 1: Add new bullet at bottom of page (Council): <br />➢ A "smart" city that leverages high-speed internet technology and <br />connectivity to improve transportation, utilities, education, public <br />health and safety, environmental quali , , energy, and the duality and <br />efficiency of City operations. <br />Vision, p. 1: Edit sixth bullet (8/25 Planning Commission testimony) <br />➢ A dynamic, connected workplace and location of choice, not only for <br />employers but also for employees, who choose to live and work in the <br />same community and invest in San Leandro's future. <br />Page 1-3: First paragraph on page, add new last sentence (Council): <br />The General Plan also incorporates climate action measures aimed at <br />reducing greenhouse gas emissions, encouraging energy efficiency and <br />conservation, and preparing for rising sea level and other impacts of <br />climate change. Real-time data will be used to address these challenges, <br />fully leveraging the local fiber optic network and other emerging <br />technologies. <br />Page 1-13 Last paragraph—fill in "blank" with the date of Plan adoption <br />Page 3-7 Replace photo of Manor -Farnsworth Shopping Center with a more attractive <br />photo of a refurbished retail shopping center or new retail building (staff) <br />Page 3-13 After "Transforming the Workplace" and before "Creating a There", insert a <br />new heading and narrative text as follows (Council): <br />Becoming a "Smarter" City <br />The integration of "smart cities" technology into municipal operations is <br />an overarching theme of the General Plan, and will be a major <br />consideration in Manning for San Leandro's future. Smart Cities refers to <br />a broad suite of applications in which technology is used to improve the <br />General Plan Addendum *August 26, 2016 Page 1 <br />