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Page 3-96 Action LU -8.3.A text—correct typo in first sentence, third line: <br />...uses such as offices ares either not permitted or require a conditional <br />use permit. <br />Page 3-97 Edit Action LU -8.9.A as follows: (Planning Commission, City Council, Public) <br />Action LU -8.9.A: East 1411, Corridor Plan Updates <br />Update City plans for the East 1411, Street Corridor, including the portion <br />of the corridor covered by the North Area Plan (Downtown to the <br />Oakland City limits) and the South Area Development Strategy <br />(Downtown to 150th Avenue). An Area Plan update for the northern part <br />of East 141h, as well as the Bancroft and MacArthur corridors (see Action <br />LU -8.11.A) is one of the highest priorities of this General Plan and should <br />be initiated within two years after the General Plan is adopted, if feasible. <br />Page 4-2 In first line of first full paragraph, replace "Smart phone" with "Smariphone" (8125 <br />Planning Commission testimony) <br />Page 4-15 Last paragraph, first sentence: Replace "accidents" with "collisions." (Bike East <br />Bay) <br />Recommended safety improvements include special bicycle crossings <br />(including signalized crossings) near schools, and pavement maintenance <br />programs to reduce the risk of collisions. <br />Page 4-20 Replace photo of elevated BART tracks with a photo of people boarding a train at <br />San Leandro station (staff) <br />Page 4-31 Second full paragraph on page, third sentence, replace "accident" with <br />"collision" (Bike East Bay) <br />Vehicle and pedestrian safety is an ongoing issue for at -grade crossings. <br />Continued driver, bicyclist and pedestrian education is necessary to <br />reduce collision e hazards. <br />Page 4-32 Replace photo of Amtrak train crossing Halcyon with a better photo of an <br />Amtrak train (not moving through an active crossing) (staff) <br />Page 4-40 Replace "accident" with "collision" in first bullet at bottom of page (Bike East <br />Bay): <br />This project will reduce collision pee'�t-hazards, reconstruct the <br />median,..... <br />General Plan Addendum *August 26, 2016 Page 4 <br />