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3B Presentations 2016 1219
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Packet 2016 1219
3B Presentations 2016 1219
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12/13/2016 3:00:32 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-362 <br />Committee for further discussion. In September, the Facility Committee reviewed a draft <br />Request for Proposal to assist staff in creating a new Fiber Optic Master Plan. This plan is <br />intended to identify fiber optic opportunities for the City, including: <br />·Use of the 30-72 fiber strands owned under the original and Amended License <br />Agreement with San Leandro Dark Fiber <br />·Desired locations for future expansion of the fiber and conduit networks <br />·Identification of an “open trench” strategy that would make sense for the City to deploy <br />·Fiber to the Home <br />Vision for a Smart San Leandro <br />The City’s fiber optic network places San Leandro in line with Tier 1 cities across the United <br />States that have access to a fiber optic network for their community, cities like Chattanooga, <br />Tennessee; Kansas City, Missouri; Austin, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; Burlington VT. These are <br />just a few of the cities across the United States developing a “Smart City” vision of modern <br />urban development that includes integration of multiple information and communication <br />technology solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city’s assets. <br />These assets can include, but are not limited to information systems, transportation, libraries, <br />hospitals, power, education, etc. For example, the new contract approved by the City Council <br />with Climatec is a Smart City application: the new LED lights will be installed with a wireless <br />transmitter on top of each pole, sending data to Public Works that informs them of the <br />operating status of each street light. Inoperable lights will be replaced more quickly, lights can <br />be individually manipulated to increase/lower brightness, will cost less to operate and are <br />brighter, improving service to the San Leandro Community. The Wi-Fi mesh network providing <br />24/7 data communication to manage the upgraded lighting system also holds the potential of <br />enabling expansion of public Wi-Fi throughout the City. <br />In June 2016, at the Smart City Innovation Summit in Austin, US Ignite <br /><> announced a cohort of 15 Smart Gigabit <br />Communities. Each Smart Gigabit Community has committed to develop two gigabit <br />applications or gigabit public services that provide advanced technology solutions to issues <br />faced by that community. They also agreed to share those applications with future Smart <br />Gigabit Communities, including the City of San Leandro <br />As a member of US Ignite, combined with the Smart City projects already launched including <br />Downtown Wi-Fi, Climatec and ZipPower, San Leandro has a significant opportunity to <br />engage in these types of Smart City initiatives, leading to the potential of San Leandro <br />becoming a leader in Smart City deployment. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment(s) to Staff Report <br />·Map: Lit San Leandro Expansion Proposal <br />PREPARED BY: Deborah Acosta, Chief Innovation Officer, Community Development Dept. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016
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