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File Number: 16-676 <br />construct access gates for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians at the entrance of the <br />development to control traffic into Heron Bay. The proposal was a major modification of the <br />Planned Development (PLN2014-00007), reviewed by the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. At the time, staff recommended against the project because it would establish an <br />undesirable precedent in the City’s efforts to plan residential neighborhoods and that it <br />countered the City’s General Plan policy discouraging the development of “gated” <br />communities or the gating of already developed subdivisions. In addition, the proposal was <br />found to impede or obstruct public access to and from the Bay Trail and the City’s shoreline <br />area. <br />On June 19, 2014, the Planning Commission heard and denied the original proposal to install <br />an access gate, which was appealed to the City Council. The City Council later denied the <br />appeal on September 2, 2014. The Planning Commission, City Council and staff all <br />recommended the applicant incorporate other effective and less exclusive safety and security <br />measures such as installation of security cameras, maintenance and improvement of outdoor <br />lighting, continuing the Neighborhood Watch efforts, working with the City’s Police <br />Department, and/or hiring private security to patrol the neighborhood. <br />In March 2016, the Association submitted a proposal for an attended kiosk on the Heron Bay <br />Park site facing the Lewelling Boulevard circle and Bayfront Drive entry; Anchorage Drive was <br />proposed as an egress only. The Planning Commission heard the Heron Bay Homeowners <br />Association proposal at its October 20, 2016 meeting. At that meeting, the Planning <br />Commission reviewed the proposal, listened to public comments, and recommended a <br />revised project for City Council consideration. The Planning Commission, in its motion, <br />recommended approval of the kiosk, however the Commissioners recommended removal of <br />the Applicant’s proposed Anchorage Drive reconfiguration to an egress-only gate arm and <br />raised barrier. The majority of the Commissioners felt that the gate arm negatively impacted <br />vehicular ingress/egress and was counter to the General Plan policy discouraging gated <br />communities. The Planning Commission’s final vote was: 5-Ayes, 1-Nay, and 1- Absent. <br />The Planning Commission audio for the October 20, 2016 meeting audio is available online <br />at: <br /><> <br />The Planning Commission’s recommendation includes conditions of approval that protect the <br />public’s right of access to the Bay Trail and Public Shoreline. The Planning Commission <br />recommended that the attendant at the kiosk not stop pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular traffic, <br />and that the kiosk include appropriate directional signage to identify the location of the Bay <br />Trail, public shoreline access and/or parking. <br />Following the Planning Commission’s recommendation, Mr. Jeff Tepper, on behalf of the <br />Heron Bay Homeowners Association (HOA), and Mr. A. Alan Berger, attorney for the HOA, <br />submitted letters accepting the Planning Commission’s recommendation to remove the gate <br />and barrier from Anchorage Drive, but disagreed with the condition prohibiting the attendant <br />from stopping passing traffic (attached). The letters requested that the City Council remove or <br />modify the conditions of approval and allow the attendant to stop non-resident cars and to <br />remove the requirement for the placement of directional signs identifying public access. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016