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File Number: 16-676 <br />inches to the ridge line and 13 feet, six inches to a faux-chimney. Its exterior materials include <br />painted stucco and wood, cultured stone, and aluminum framed windows (see Exhibits C - <br />Perspectives, Colors and Materials and Exhibit D - Elevations). <br />Anchorage Drive <br />The Planning Commission, through its recommendation, removes the proposed Anchorage <br />Drive improvements. Thus the components shown in Exhibit A and E to reconfigure <br />Anchorage Drive to egress only should be disregarded. Specifically, the egress gate (barrier <br />arm) on the eastern half of the street and a drivable raised barrier with fold-over bollards and <br />interlocking pavers on the western half of the street would not be constructed or installed. <br />Security Cameras and License Plate Readers/Cameras <br />The Association proposes to install security cameras with license plate readers on the <br />proposed kiosk and stone columns. While the inclusion of the cameras are not part of the <br />Planned Development approval, the proposed location and design of the cameras on the <br />proposed kiosk and columns were evaluated by staff. The cameras would be placed beneath <br />the patio cover of the kiosk parallel to Bayfront Drive (see Exhibit C). In addition, there would <br />be two license plate reader/cameras on stone veneer columns. One would be located on <br />Bayfront Drive, 15-20 feet from the Lewelling Boulevard circle and the other would be located <br />on Anchorage Drive, south of the post for the egress gate (see Exhibit A). The columns would <br />be approximately four feet tall, have a square column design of two- by two-feet, and finished <br />with a decorative cap. The placement of the license plate readers/cameras are appropriately <br />placed on Heron Bay development’s private streets and proposed kiosk. <br />Operations <br />The applicant stated that cyclists and pedestrians entering or leaving from Lewelling <br />Boulevard would not be monitored, to address prior concerns related to Bay Trail Public <br />Access. The purpose of the attendant at the kiosk is to observe motor vehicles. The kiosk <br />provides necessities of shelter and restroom facility for the attendant, which the Applicants <br />feel has been an effective program in deterring criminal activity. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Per the applicant’s statement, the HOA has hired a firm to staff the development’s entrance <br />with an attendant and reported positive results in reducing incidents of crime to the <br />neighborhood. The HOA proposes the kiosk as a permanent shelter and office for the <br />attendant. This would be an improvement to the current practice where an attendant is seated <br />and/or standing on the Bayfront Drive sidewalk or Lewelling Boulevard circle. On occasion <br />there has been a portable (temporary) umbrella for shade or shelter. <br />The City recommends that the kiosk should be placed outside of the public right-of-way, at a <br />location on private property where public access would not be encumbered. Staff further <br />recommends that the kiosk not be placed in the path of pedestrians accessing the Bay Trail <br />and Public Shoreline, in accord with the San Francisco Bay Conservation Development <br />Commission’s (BCDC) requirements for public access. The proposed security kiosk would be <br />placed on Heron Bay Park property outside of the Lewelling Boulevard right-of-way and north <br />of the Bayfront Drive sidewalk. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016