Exhibit A, page 1 of 2
<br />Ordinance _____, Exhibit A
<br />Amendments to Article 3, Section 1-304 Definitions (Excerpts) Note: Underlined text represents new text; strike through represents text to be eliminated. The following definitions are additions or modifications to existing definitions as follows and no changes are proposed to definitions not listed here:
<br /> Laboratories. Establishments providing medical or dental laboratory services; or
<br />establishments with less than two thousand (2,000) square feet providing
<br />photographic, analytical, or testing services. Other laboratories are classified as
<br />limited “Industry, Research and Development” or “Laboratories, Cannabis Testing Facilities.”
<br />Laboratories, Cannabis Testing Facilities. Laboratories conducting safety, quality
<br />control, and analytical testing services of cannabis and products derived from cannabis as a service to cannabis dispensaries, medical facilities, government agencies, cannabis product manufacturers, or other entities as allowed by state law.
<br />This definition does not include the cloning, planting or cultivation of cannabis plants
<br />or the direct sales, distribution, delivery, or dispensing of cannabis and cannabis products to the public. Industry, Cannabis Product Manufacturing. Manufacturing, processing, and
<br />packaging of products derived from or infused with cannabis, including edibles,
<br />concentrates and extracts for wholesale or retail trade to cannabis dispensaries or other cannabis product distributors and manufacturers as allowed by state law. This definition does not include the cloning, planting or cultivation of cannabis plants or
<br />the direct sales, distribution, delivery, or dispensing of manufactured cannabis
<br />products to the public. Medical Cannabis Marijuana. All parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., also referred
<br />to as marijuana, whether growing or not, as defined by California Health and Safety
<br />Code Section 11018, as amended from time to time. This includes “cannabis” as: the
<br />seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin.
<br />It does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil
<br />or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt,
<br />derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seeds of the plant incapable of germination.
<br />
<br />Medical Cannabis Marijuana Dispensary. A collective, or, cooperative, or other
<br />non-profit or for profit entity qualified or permitted to do business in the State of California and the City of San Leandro that distributes, dispenses, stores,
<br />exchanges, processes, delivers, makes available, transmits and/or gives away
<br />cannabis (“marijuana”) for medicinal purposes to four (4) or more qualified patients
<br />and/ or primary caregivers pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 et seq. Baked medicinal products (i.e., brownies, bars, cookies, cakes), tinctures and other non-refrigerated type items are acceptable for