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File Number: 16-604 <br />M. Stella gave a presentation on green infrastructure which is items that remove trash and <br />pollutants from our storm water. Current regulations have extended the requirement for green <br />infrastructure to some projects within the right of way. Trash screens and vegetated water <br />filter areas around storm drain inlets will be required and installed on certain street projects. It <br />was noted that storm water requirements are separate and different from drinking water <br />regulations and that many recent projects outside the right of way such as Siempre Verde <br />Park, the High School parking lot, Senior Center, and Bridge Housing have green <br />infrastructure elements. The regulations have a target for trash capture and the City has met <br />this target. The regulations do not yet have a target for filtering of storm water runoff with <br />vegetation within the right of way. <br /> <br />Councilmember Lopez requested we include a description of the green infrastructure <br />potential for each CIP project in the project description. <br />Mayor Cutter requested that we touch base with the SLUSD and find out if any Measure J1 <br />funds will be used for green infrastructure, and requested that when storm water filtering <br />targets are mandated for right of way projects staff make a presentation to the full council on <br />green infrastructure as part of the CIP process. <br />Councilmember Reed requested we touch base with Alameda County Flood Control and <br />document any trash capture devices they have installed within City limits. <br />2.C.Project Updates <br />N. Thom updated the Committee with projects that are currently under construction: Annual <br />Street Sealing and Annual Overlay Rehabilitation. <br />2.D.Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items <br />K. Cooke reviewed future agenda items. <br />Councilmember Lopez requested that the November meeting be moved up a day to <br />accommodate a previous commitment. <br />Councilmember Lopez referenced the BRT project and requested to have an improved traffic <br />signal (dedicated left turn) to the intersection of Best Avenue and East 14th Street. K. Cooke <br />will review plans with AC Transit to determine the possibility of such an improvement and <br />provide an update to Committee. <br />K. Cooke will also explore the possibility of changing the direction of traffic on Euclid Court at <br />the request of Mayor Cutter. <br />Councilmember Lopez requested that the proposed crosswalk prioritization process be <br />presented at a future meeting. <br />3.PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />None. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016