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File Number: 16-342 <br />·Replacement of the flagstone paving at the Tai Chi area with concrete paving <br />·Design of a custom concrete mounting for the 1959, 1992 and 2016 dedication plaques <br />·Layout of additional boulders added to the site <br />·Revised location of various park benches to facilitate the movement of maintenance <br />vehicles <br />·Electrical design for reconnection of power to the lights on the Veterans Memorial <br />Harris Design also assisted the City with miscellaneous other services, such as preparing a <br />colorized site plan for display, additional site visits for review of repeated concrete mock-ups, <br />and coordination with for Bay-Friendly landscaping requirements. This work <br />has been completed, and staff is requesting authority to execute a contract change order to <br />allow reimbursement of Harris Design for provided services. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·2013-15 City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On January 4th, 2016, by Resolution 2016-002, the City Council appropriated <br />$381,200.00 in grant funds for the construction of the subject project and returned the <br />same amount of General Funds to the fund balance <br />·On September 8th, 2015, by Resolution 2015-161, the City Council awarded a <br />construction contract for the subject project to Robert A. Bothman Construction and <br />authorized the City Manager or his designee to negotiate and approve changes orders <br />to complete the project <br />·On July 20, 2015, by Resolution 2015-136, the City Council approved a consulting <br />services agreement with Harris Design to provide support during the construction <br />phase of the subject project <br />·On March 2, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-058, the City Council allocated funds for the <br />design and construction of the Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project and <br />approved a Consulting Services Agreement with Harris Design for the development of <br />construction-ready plans and specifications for the subject project <br />·On February 17, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-026, the City Council authorized the <br />City Manager to Submit an Application for Housing-Related Parks Program Grant <br />Funds for up to $500,000 in Grant Funding to Rehabilitate Siempre Verde Park based <br />on the Construction of the Marea Alta (formerly The Cornerstone) Family Apartments <br />·On December 1, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-132, the City Council authorized the <br />City Manager to Execute a State Standard Agreement with the California Department <br />of Housing and Community Development for a Housing-Related Parks Program Grant <br />in the Amount of $1,376,600 <br />·On January 6, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-004, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to Submit an Application for Housing-Related Parks Program Grant Funds <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal 21 - Rehabilitation of Existing Parks: Maintain and improve San Leandro’s existing parks <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016