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EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES At such time when the consultant’s services are required, the City of San Leandro will forward a request for services, including a project description, any pertinent supporting information and technical studies, and copies of the proposed application [if available]. The consultant may be requested to provide additional services such as the preparation of supporting technical reports and studies for the project application or a peer review of applicant-submitted materials. The consultant will evaluate the proposal and in turn provide a Scope of Work and Cost Estimate for services. Upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed, City staff will provide the consultant with the documentation necessary to complete the work. Supporting documents such as site plans, traffic studies, or other technical reports may be provided to the consultant in either print or electronic form. The consultant will work with staff and project applicants to gather the necessary information to ensure the final product adequately analyzes project impacts. The consultant will be requested to complete an Initial Study and any subsequent necessary environmental assessment, such as a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendums, or Environmental Impact Report. The consultant will be responsible for incorporating any public or agency comments regarding the potential impacts on the natural and built environments, and analyze ways in which any significant effects/impacts of the project might be avoided or mitigated, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. Consultant may also be requested to provide contract planning services.