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File Number: 16-680 <br />processing. Renewals are sent in December and processing can be delayed or accelerated <br />depending on staffing levels and the holiday closure. The third quarter will reflect a more <br />comparable analysis, but year-end totals are expected to meet or exceed budgetary estimates <br />and be greater than 2015-16. <br />(5) Franchise Fees (2% of budget compared to 2% in 2015-16) - Franchise Fees are the <br />City’s fifth largest revenue source and are 4% of total general fund revenue estimates. The <br />current year's budget for Franchise Fees revenue is $44,000 greater than budgeted in <br />2015-16. Year over year growth of 4% growth is consistent with a stable economy and <br />franchise rates that rise annually in accordance with inflation and the consumer price index <br />(CPI). Franchise Fees are expected to meet estimates and be greater than 2015-16. <br />Due to limited data received as of the end of the First Quarter, this report will not attempt to <br />explain General Fund year over year revenue variances that are equal to or greater than + or - <br />10%. However, such variances will be explained in subsequent financial reports if applicable <br />and as previously noted, total First Quarter revenue in 2016-17 amounts to $8.2 million or 9% <br />of the total Adopted Budget (compared to 10% in 2015-16). Please refer to the attached table <br />for more information on year over year revenue variances. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br /> <br />Due to limited data received as of the end of the First Quarter, this report will not attempt to <br />explain General Fund year over year expenditure variances that are equal to or greater than + <br />or - 10%. However, such variances will be explained in subsequent financial reports if <br />applicable and as previously noted, expenditures at end of First Quarter amount to $18.2 <br />million or 19% of the budget (compared to 22% in 2015-16). Please refer to the attached <br />table for more information on year over year expenditure variances. <br />Enterprise & Internal Service Funds <br /> <br />Four Enterprise Funds make up the City's business type operations. The Water Pollution <br />Control Plant Fund, Environmental Services Fund, Shoreline Enterprise Fund, and the Storm <br />Water Fund are City municipal operations designed to fully recover costs through user fees. <br />Internal Service Funds also operate as business activities, exclusively supporting the City's <br />internal operations. Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology, Insurance Services, and <br />Equipment Maintenance make up these funds. <br />Due to limited data received as of the end of the First Quarter, this report will not attempt to <br />explain Enterprise & Internal Service Funds year over year revenue and expenditure <br />variances that are equal to or greater than + or - 10%. However, such variances will be <br />explained in subsequent financial reports if applicable. Please refer to the attached table for <br />more information on year over year revenue and expenditure variances. <br /> <br />Special Revenue Funds <br /> <br />Revenues and expenses for the City's operating Special Revenue Funds are included in the <br />report. Revenues and expenditures for the Parking Fund, Gas Tax Fund, Heron Bay <br />Maintenance Fund, Housing Services Funds, Business Improvement District Fund, and the <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/13/2016