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jurisdiction, at termination, retirement or resignation in good standing based on salary at <br /> termination pursuant to the following schedule: Number of sick leave days accumulated, <br /> multiplied by seven and one-half percent (7 1/2%), multiplied by the number of whole years of <br /> service, multiplied by the hourly rate at termination. The above formula figure of seven and one- <br /> half percent (7 %2%) will be adjusted to ten percent (10%) for an employee who terminates City <br /> service after completing twenty-five (25) years of uninterrupted City service by way of <br /> termination, service retirement or resignation in good standing with the City. Effective March 1, <br /> 2002, upon an employee's retirement, sick leave may be used as service credit on an hour for <br /> hour basis, or cash in accordance with the above-mentioned formula. <br /> Actively employed employees formally represented by the San Leandro Police Officers' <br /> Association who die or are permanently disabled as a result of an accident which is held to be <br /> compensable by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board will receive payment for unused <br /> sick leave according to the seven and one-half percent (7 1/2%) formula above without regard to <br /> length of continuous City service. <br /> Section 16. Funeral Leave <br /> In the event of death in the immediate family of an employee who has one (1) or more years of <br /> continuous service with the City, the employee shall, upon request to the supervisor, be granted <br /> such time off with pay as is necessary to make arrangements for the funeral and attend same, not <br /> to exceed three (3) workdays; additional funeral leave may be granted, not to exceed a total of <br /> five (5) calendar days when such death and/or funeral is outside of the nine (9) Bay Area <br /> counties. This provision does not apply if the death and/or funeral occur during the employee's <br /> paid vacation, or while the employee is on leave of absence, layoff, sick leave, or any other leave <br /> status. <br /> Funeral leave applies only in instances in which the employee attends the funeral or is required <br /> to make funeral arrangements, but is not applicable for other purposes such as settling the estate <br /> of the deceased. It is understood, however, that leave, as provided in the preceding paragraph, <br /> may be granted to commence prior to the decease of a member of the employee's immediate <br /> family. Such paid absence shall be charged to death leave, with full salary payment permitted <br /> upon the favorable recommendation of the Police Chief and the Human Resources Director and <br /> upon the approval of the City Manager. <br /> The immediate family of an employee includes spouse, child, parent, sister, brother, grandchild, <br /> grandparent,parent-in-law, or stepparent where there is a child-rearing relationship. <br /> The foregoing funeral leave provisions do not apply to hourly or part-time employees. <br /> Section 17. Military Leave <br /> Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provision of the California State Law. An <br /> employee entitled to, and taking, military leave shall provide, through appropriate chain of <br /> command, the Police Chief with orders calling him/her to active military duty. The Police Chief, <br /> within the limits of military necessity and regulations, may determine when such leave shall be <br /> taken. Upon returning from military leave, an employee shall provide, when applicable, copies <br /> of military release papers. <br /> 13 <br />