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standing on the Reemployment List for the classification from which he or she was originally <br /> terminated. <br /> Upon reappointment to the classification from which the employee was originally separated or <br /> demoted, the employee has the right to be placed at the pay step, which the employee held at the <br /> time of layoff or demotion. <br /> Upon reappointment to the classification from which the employee was originally separated or <br /> demoted, a medical examination may be required to determine compliance with physical/mental <br /> requirements of the position to which the employee is being reappointed. Such examination(s) <br /> shall be performed by a City designated physician and shall be at City expense. <br /> Any permanent or probationary status employee, who is laid off or demoted as a result of layoff, <br /> who believes that the layoff procedure has been improperly administered as it pertains to the <br /> employee's case, may appeal the action under the Grievance Procedure. In addition, employees <br /> may, at all time, before, during and subsequent to layoff, review all records, including Seniority <br /> Lists, Reemployment Lists, which pertain to their classification and their rights under the <br /> provisions of the layoff policy. <br /> Section 23. Resignation <br /> An employee wishing to leave City employment in good standing shall file with the supervisor at <br /> least two (2)weeks before leaving the City service a written resignation stating the effective date <br /> of resignation and reasons for leaving. <br /> The resignation shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Director with a statement by the <br /> Police Chief as to the resigned employee's service performance and other pertinent information <br /> concerning the cause for resignation. <br /> Failure of an employee to comply with this rule shall be entered on the service record of the <br /> employee and may be cause for denying future employment by the City. The resignation of an <br /> employee who fails to give notice shall be reported to the Human Resources Director <br /> immediately. <br /> Section 24. Employee Benefits <br /> 24.1 The IRS 125 plan shall continue. The plan shall provide the following: <br /> A. Pretax conversion of employee contribution toward medical premiums. <br /> B. Medical Flexible Spending Account with a maximum employee pretax contribution <br /> of two thousand five hundred and fifty ($2,550.00)per benefit plan year. <br /> C. Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account with a maximum employee pretax <br /> contribution of five thousand($5,000.00)per benefit plan year. <br /> The City will maintain a "core flex" medical benefit plan. The core shall consist of the <br /> PERS Medical Plan Bay Area rates) and the existing MetLife dental plan. <br /> 18 <br />