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classifications represented by the San Leandro Police Officers' Association and who are <br /> currently members of one of the City's Ca1PERS health plans. The City shall contribute to <br /> the health plan two-parry rate costs until the retired employee is eligible for Medicare <br /> coverage. The maximum amount to be contributed by the City may not exceed three <br /> hundred sixty dollars ($360.00). In the event the amount required by the health plan <br /> exceeds the maximum City contribution, such excess amount shall be paid by the retiree. <br /> Employees retiring on or after March 1, 1998 but before February 28, 2002, shall have the <br /> following option regarding medical insurance: <br /> The City shall implement a "Medicare risk" medical insurance plan (open only to those <br /> employees who are eligible for Medicare at age 65) and shall contribute up to forty dollars <br /> ($40.00) per month toward the cost of the Medicare risk premium. For current employees <br /> not eligible for Medicare at age 65, the City shall continue to provide medical insurance <br /> coverage until age 70 at one half of the pre-65 contribution rate as set forth in this section. <br /> 24.7 For employees retiring prior to March 1, 2002, the City shall contribute a maximum of <br /> seventy dollars and eighty-seven cents ($70.87) monthly dental plan costs for each retired <br /> City employee who was assigned to a classification represented by the San Leandro Police <br /> Officers' Association, and who was a member of the City's dental plan and retired on or <br /> after January 1, 1980. Any increases in dental plan costs during the term of this Agreement <br /> shall be split equally between the City and the retired employee. <br /> 24.8 For employees hired prior to January 1, 2007 with fifteen(15) or more years of City service <br /> and retiring on or after March 1, 2002, the City shall contribute a maximum of four <br /> hundred sixty dollars ($460.00) towards the health and dental plans for retired City <br /> employees who were assigned to classifications represented by the San Leandro Police <br /> Officers Association and were members of the City's Health and Dental Plan. The City <br /> will continue its contribution until the employee is eligible for Medicare coverage (at age <br /> 65) or reaches age 70. <br /> For employees who are eligible for Medicare at age 65, the City will contribute up to two <br /> hundred dollars ($200.00) per month towards the cost of a Medicare Risk Program and <br /> Dental Insurance until the age of 70. <br /> 24.9 For employees hired on or after January 1, 2007, who have rendered fifteen (15) years of <br /> City service as a Police Officer,the City shall pay the contributions required by health plan <br /> two-party rate for retired City employees who were assigned to classifications represented <br /> by the San Leandro Police Officers' Association and who are members of one of the City's <br /> health plans at the time of retirement. The City shall contribute a maximum of three <br /> hundred and sixty dollars ($360.00) towards the health and dental plans for retired City <br /> employees who are assigned to classifications represented by the San Leandro Police <br /> Officers' Association and were members of the City's health and dental plans. In the event <br /> the amounts required by the health plans exceed the maximum City contribution, such <br /> excess amounts shall be paid by the retiree. Coverage under this section shall continue <br /> until the employees 65th birthday; except for the PERS Medical Plan "employer minimum <br /> share"retiree health contribution,which shall continue for life. <br /> 21 <br />