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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2016-17 <br />This year the LINKS brochure was translated into Chinese and Spanish. Brochures were hand <br />delivered to all businesses at the Marina Square Shopping Center and Davis Street Family <br />Resource Center. <br />Rider Survey <br />Feedback from the 2013 survey led the SLTMO to undertake the service enhancements which <br />were implemented last year. A new survey was postponed until the new service was up and <br />running, construction along the route was finished and service bugs were ironed out. <br />In August 2016 a new rider survey was conducted. The survey showed significant improvement <br />in rider satisfaction. Following are a few highlights from the Survey: <br />1. Nine out of ten riders use LINKS to commute to work. <br />2. One-half of the riders live in San Leandro. <br />3. Most of the riders are low-income and 75% say that it would be a financial hardship if <br />LINKS were not available. <br />4. 88% of LINKS riders use the service daily. <br />5. Half of the riders use BART prior to getting on LINKS. <br />6. This year more riders (26%) walk from home to catch LINKS. This tells us that more <br />residents are using the shuttle. <br />7. If LINKS were not available, 23% would drive alone proving that LINKS significantly <br />reduces single occupancy vehicle trips. This is a key finding making our grant <br />applications stronger. <br />8. Overall satisfaction with the service increased with 90% of riders rating the service good <br />to excellent. <br />9. Satisfaction with the schedule improved significantly moving from a 64% good to <br />excellent rating to 81 %. The improvement is most likely a result of the expanded service, <br />more frequent buses and shorter travel time. <br />10. Rider comments included "Great Service", "Drivers are always so kind" and "Thank <br />you!" <br />The survey results suggest that riders continued to be very satisfied with LINKS. Although the <br />survey findings were not specific, the feedback also suggested adding another route, adding <br />evening hours if funds permitted, providing a published schedule or GPS bus tacking and <br />allowing drivers to drop/pickup regular riders between stops. <br />LINKS Budget <br />Funding for LINKS comes from the BID, grants, the City of San Leandro, partnerships and <br />advertising. The BID funds approximately one-half of the LINKS service. <br />In FY 2016-17 the SLTMO will apply for a two-year TFCA grant totaling $76,000. In October <br />2016, the SLTMO submitted an Alameda County Transportation Commission Measure BB <br />application with could provide $1.7 million over the next five years. It was originally <br />Pa <br />