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(e) Coin -Operated Device. Coin-operated device shall mean laundry machine, video <br />game machine, pinball machine, juke box, vending machine or other similar coin- <br />operated electrical or mechanical device. <br />(f) Commercial Advertising. Commercial advertising shall mean the distribution of <br />commercial advertising material, excluding distribution of such material <br />advertising a permanently established licensed business within the City by the <br />owner or employees of such business. <br />(g) Contractors. Any person who is licensed as a contractor by the State of California <br />and who undertakes or offers to undertake or submits a bid to construct, alter, <br />repair, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, excavation or <br />other structure, project, development or improvement, or to do any part thereof. <br />The term contractor includes subcontractor and specialty contractor. <br />(h) Dance Hall shall mean any establishment where dancing is permitted with or <br />without charge, whether or not in conjunction with any other business. <br />(i) Firearms Dealer shall mean a person whose business substantially consists of the <br />selling, transferring, or leasing, or advertising for sale, transfer, or lease, or <br />offering or exposing for sale, transfer, or lease, any firearm capable of being <br />concealed upon the person as defined by the Penal Code of the State of California. <br />(j) Fortunetelling. Any person engaged in the business of telling fortunes, <br />forecasting futures or furnishing any information not otherwise obtainable by the <br />ordinary process of knowledge. <br />(k) Itinerant Merchant. Any person engaged in the temporary business of exhibiting, <br />selling and delivering goods, wares or merchandise and who for the purpose of <br />carrying on such business hires, leases, uses or occupies any building, room, <br />motor vehicle, tent or other place within the City. <br />(1) Second Hand Dealer. Any person engaged in the business of buying, selling, <br />exchanging, trading, accepting for sale or consignment, secondhand personal <br />property of whatever kind or description. <br />(m) Manufacturing. Any person conducting, managing or carrying on a business <br />consisting mainly of manufacturing any goods, wares, merchandise or produce. <br />(n) Miscellaneous. Any person engaged in a business not specifically defined by <br />other provisions of this Chapter and not otherwise exempt. <br />(o) Parking Lot means and includes, but is not limited to: <br />(1) Any outdoor space.or uncovered plot, place, lot, parcel, yard or enclosure, <br />or any portion thereof, where motor vehicles may be parked, stored <br />housed or kept, for which any charge is made; <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2016-025 <br />2 <br />