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CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />PLN16-0052 —1850 Fairway Drive <br />Center for Elders Independence (Applicant) <br />and <br />R. Matthew Moran, FJM Merced Associates L.P. (Property Owner) <br />I. COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS <br />1. The project shall comply with Exhibits A1.0 through A2.0, attached to the staff report dated <br />October 18, 2016, except as hereinafter modified. Exhibits are on file at the City of San Leandro, <br />Community Development Department, 835 East 10 Street, San Leandro, California 94577. <br />• Exhibit A1.0 Overall Site Plan <br />• Exhibit A1.1 Site Plan <br />• Exhibit A2.0 Conceptual Floorplan <br />2. Any change to the project design, materials or colors shall be subject to the review and approval <br />of the Zoning Enforcement Official who shall administratively approve the changes. <br />3. The applicant and property owner shall be responsible for assuring that any successor in interest <br />who assumes responsibility for this zoning approval is informed of its terms and conditions. <br />II. PERMITTED USE <br />1. This Administrative Review is an approval to permit the operation of an adult day care, with an <br />ancillary clinic, for a maximum of 180 participants and averaging 60-70 participants in any shift, <br />at 1850 Fairway Drive, Assessor's Parcel Number 077B-0855-001-02. <br />2. The adult day care facility's operational hours shall be between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 <br />pm. <br />3. These conditions for approval shall be prominently posted in the day care facility and shall be <br />distributed to all staff and participants/caregivers or guardians or participants at the facility. <br />M. ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS <br />1. Applicant shall maintain access and internal circulation from the Fairway Drive entrance <br />through to other property owners and tenants on the parcel. <br />2. Applicant shall provide adequate landscape buffering on the northern edge and outdoor <br />landscaping to screen on-site outdoor activity space. <br />3. Applicant shall share internal and maintain access to outdoor courtyard with adjacent neighbors. <br />4. Applicant shall restripe and maintain the parking slots provided as part of their lease, which <br />includes 50 parking lot stalls, five accessible parking stalls, one van accessible stall, and a safe <br />curbside drop-off/pick-up spot for two PACE coaches. <br />