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occupancy of the building. <br />VI. ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, including Section 66020 (d) (1), the <br />City HEREBY NOTIFIES the applicant for this Project that the 90 -day approval <br />period (in which the applicant may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, <br />reservations, or other exactions imposed on this Project by these Conditions of <br />Approval) will begin on the date of the conditional approval of this Project. If you fail <br />to file a protest within this 90 -day period, complying with all of the requirements of <br />Government Code Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging <br />any such fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions. <br />B. The proposed development shall comply with City ordinances, policies and <br />regulations. All improvements shall be in accordance with the City's Design <br />Standards, Specifications and Standard Plans unless otherwise specifically <br />approved by the City Engineer. <br />C. Prior to the issuance of the Building Permit, the property owner shall pay the Sewer <br />Connection fee, Engineering Review and Inspection Fees, and other fees as <br />required by City Ordinances and regulations. <br />D. Design review fees, development impact fees, permit fees, inspection fees, and any <br />other fees charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the review, approval, <br />permitting and inspection of the above listed use shall be paid by the Applicant. <br />E. The applicant shall construct any new utilities via underground facilities. <br />F. A one-time Marina Boulevard/Interstate 880 Traffic Impact Fee is required in the <br />amount of $12,818.58, and is due at the time of permit issuance. This fee is subject <br />to change at the beginning of each fiscal year. <br />G. A one-time Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) is required in the <br />amount of $33,522.60, and is due at the time of permit issuance. This fee is subject <br />to change at the beginning of each fiscal year. <br />H. The applicant shall remove any broken and uplifted driveway, sidewalk, curb and <br />gutter along the full project frontage and shall construct new City standard driveway, <br />sidewalk, curb and gutter in the same location and alignment as the existing facilities <br />prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. <br />Prior to the issuance of building permits for the project, the Applicant shall obtain an <br />Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and Transportation Department for any <br />work within the public right-of-way. <br />J. On sheet CUP -1, the southernmost driveway on Verna Ct needs to be open all the <br />time during business hours so that parking lot 131 remains accessible to all the <br />customers. <br />Agreement to Conditions July 7, 2016 <br />PLN 16-0025 Page 6 of 10 <br />