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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />List of Abbreviations and Acronyms <br />APWA <br />American Public Works Association <br />ASCE <br />American Society of Civil Engineers <br />BACWA <br />Bay Area Clean Water Agencies <br />BMP <br />Best Management Practice <br />BWF <br />Base wastewater flow <br />CASA <br />California Association of Sanitation Agencies <br />CCN <br />Closed Circuit Television <br />CDFG <br />California Department of Fish and Game <br />CIP <br />Capital Improvement Plan <br />CIWQS <br />California Integrated Water Quality System <br />CM <br />Corrective Maintenance <br />CMMS <br />Computerized Maintenance Management System <br />CMOM <br />Capacity, Management, Operations and Maintenance <br />CWEA <br />California Water Environment Association <br />ECS <br />Environmental Compliance Services <br />EDU <br />Equivalent Dwelling Unit <br />EMA <br />Enhanced Maintenance Area <br />ERP <br />Emergency Response Plan <br />FOG <br />Fats, Oils, Grease <br />FSE <br />Food service establishment <br />GIS <br />Geographical Information System <br />gpm <br />gallons per minute <br />GPS <br />Global Positioning System <br />GWI <br />Groundwater Infiltration <br />1/1 <br />Inflow / Infiltration <br />ICOM3 <br />Maintenance and Condition Assessment Database <br />ISDHH <br />Imminent and substantial danger to human health <br />LRO <br />Legally Responsible Official <br />mgd <br />million gallons per day <br />MRP <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />MS4 <br />Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System <br />NASSCO <br />National Association of Sewer Service Companies <br />NGO <br />Non -Government Organization <br />N01 <br />Notice of Intent <br />NOV <br />Notice of Violation <br />NPDES <br />National Pollution Discharge Elimination System <br />O&M <br />Operation and Maintenance <br />OERP <br />Overflow Emergency Response Plan <br />OES <br />Office of Emergency Services <br />OSHA <br />Occupational Safety and Health Administration <br />PACP <br />Pipeline Assessment & Certification Program <br />PLSD <br />Private Sewer Lateral Discharge <br />PM <br />Preventive Maintenance <br />POTW <br />Publicly -Owned Treatment Works <br />R&R <br />Rehabilitation and Replacement <br />Page 13 <br />