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San Leandro Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 17-18) - Notes July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 <br />Item # Notes/Comments <br />27 While Eden Road was approved on ROPS 15-16 B for $1,500,000, there was only enough RPTTF availble to fund $866,234. The balance of $633,766 has <br />been included on ROPS 17-18 A. <br />Cash Balance #3 The actual ledgers show expenditures of $5,247,360 because Eden Road appears as fully funded. However, there was insufficient RPTTF to fully fund this item. <br />The City intends to adjust it ledgers during 2016-17 to show a reduction in spending for this item by $633,766, which will match the ROPS reported amount. <br />