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File Number: 16-030 <br />architectural themes that enhance the identity of adjacent commercial districts. <br />·Policy 3.07: AMENITIES AND SOCIAL SERVICES WITHIN NEW HOUSING <br />Encourage new affordable housing development to provide amenities for future residents, <br />such as on-site recreational facilities and community meeting space. Where feasible, <br />consider the integration of social services such as child care within such projects. <br />·Policy 48.01: INCREASE AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES <br />Increase the availability of affordable and accessible child care and after school activities, <br />with an emphasis on center-based child care for infants and toddlers and additional <br />activities at school sites. <br />·Policy 48.02: DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS <br />Ensure that child care needs are considered when new development is approved…. <br />·Policy 48.03: Coordination with Service Providers <br />Work with social services agencies, non-profits, the school districts, and businesses to <br />pursue creative and effective solutions to address child care needs in the community…. <br />Environmental Review <br />The City, acting as the lead agency, reviewed and approved a mitigated negative declaration <br />for the project on July 20, 2009 as required by Section 15096 of Title 14 of the California <br />Code of Regulations. In addition, the project was considered in connection with the Final <br />Environmental Impact Report for the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development <br />Strategy certified by the City Council pursuant to Resolution 2007-111 adopted on September <br />4, 2007. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />·July 9, 2009 - Planning Commission approved planning entitlements and environmental <br />clearance under CEQA for the Cornerstone located at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard <br />and the BART replacement parking project. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The staff report, resolution and loan agreement were reviewed and approved as to form by <br />the City Attorney’s Office. <br />Fiscal Impacts & Budget Authority <br />The funding source for the $800,000 City loan is a portion of the $2.1 million General Fund <br />loan repayment from the former Joint City/County Redevelopment Area approved by the State <br />Department of Finance (DOF). On June 6, 2016, the FY 2016-17 Budget was amended so <br />that $800,000 is available in Account No. 210-42-151-5240 for the Marea Alta child care <br />center loan. <br />Attachment to Related Legislative File <br />·Child Care Center Loan Agreement between the City of San Leandro and BRIDGE <br />Economic Development Corporation <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/31/2017 <br />123