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VI. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REQUIREMENTS <br />A. The storage of hazardous materials in quantities equal to or greater than 55 gallons, 200 <br />cubic feet or 500 pounds and generation of any amount of hazardous waste requires <br />submittal of a Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). HMBP submittal shall be <br />completed via the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA) California <br />Environmental Reporting System (CERS) online database. An HMBP shall be <br />submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Building Permit or <br />placement of the registerable chemicals on to the site, whichever occurs first. The plan <br />is subject to the review and approval of Environmental Services Division of the Public <br />Works Department. <br />B. All fees and charges related to Environmental Services programs shall be paid promptly <br />in full. Failure to keep accounts current shall be grounds for revocation of the <br />conditional use permit. <br />C. All hazardous waste generated on site shall be handled and disposed pursuant to <br />applicable local, state and federal law. Generators of hazardous waste must register with <br />the City's Environmental Services (local CUPA) through the online California <br />Environmental Reporting System (CERS). <br />D. Discharge of anything other than rainwater to the stormwater collection system, which <br />includes area drains, sidewalks, parking areas, street curb and gutter, shall be strictly <br />prohibited. <br />E. Containerized management of trash, solid waste, and recyclables shall be required to <br />prevent exposure to or contamination of rainwater runoff. <br />F. The elimination of exposure of materials, processes or equipment to the maximum <br />extent practicable is necessary to prevent contamination of rainwater. Exposures that <br />cannot be eliminated require use of Best Management Practices (BMPs), both <br />engineered and administrative, to prevent remaining exposures from impacting <br />rainwater runoff. <br />G. In the event the facility stores petroleum products, including mixtures with any <br />concentration of petroleum, in a quantity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons as an <br />aggregate of all individual aboveground "tanks" equal to or greater than 55 gallons <br />capacity (including drums, tanks, containers, totes, oil -filled electrical equipment, oil - <br />filled manufacturing equipment and oil -filled operational equipment), the facility shall <br />comply with the requirements of the California (CA) Aboveground Petroleum Storage <br />Act (APSA) as required in Chapter 6.67 of the CA Health & Safety Code and <br />implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) in <br />conformance with 40 CFR 112. <br />Agreement to Conditions September 16, 2016 <br />PLN16-0032 Page 6 of 10 <br />