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File Number: 17-027 <br />·Low-Income are households earning between 50% and 80% of Area Median Income <br />·Moderate-Income are households earning between 80% and 120% Area Median Income <br />·Above Moderate-Income are households earning more than 120% of Area Median Income <br />For San Leandro, the number of residential permits issued for above-moderate-income units <br />continues to be slow as reflected in the five residential permits issued in 2014 and 2015. <br />Furthermore, the State elimination of redevelopment agencies, has severely hampered the <br />City’s ability to achieve several of its Housing Element goals and objectives. Without <br />Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds, the City had to eliminate its First Time Homebuyer <br />Loan Program and its Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program. The City now relies primarily on <br />federal HOME Program funds, which have drastically declined since 2008, and local <br />Affordable Housing Trust Fund monies, which are derived from the City’s Inclusionary Zoning <br />Ordinance and dependent on a more active housing market, to produce affordable housing. <br />Some of the City’s key goals and accomplishments in 2014 and 2015 include: <br />GOAL 53: AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT <br />·BRIDGE Housing’s Cornerstone project, now called Marea Alta, obtained its building <br />permits in December 2014 and began construction of Phase 1 (115 units affordable <br />rental housing) which will be fully occupied and operational in February 2017. BRIDGE <br />anticipates starting construction on Phase 2 (85 units of affordable senior rental <br />housing) in Spring/Summer 2017. <br />GOAL 55: HOME OWNERSHIP <br />·Due to the State’s elimination of the City’s Redevelopment Agency, the City of San <br />Leandro cancelled its First-Time Homebuyer Loan program in 2012. While no <br />First-Time Homebuyer loans were provided in 2014 and 2015, the City offered two <br />first-time homebuyers’ seminars in 2014 and another seminar in 2015. <br />·In 2014, two homebuyers received Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) assistance to <br />purchase a home in San Leandro. In 2015, six homebuyers received MCC assistance. <br />GOAL 56: AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONSERVATION <br />·In 2014, eight homeowners were approved to be assisted with Minor Home Repair <br />grants while three mobile home owners also were approved for Mobile Home Repair <br />grants under the City’s Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program. In 2015, <br />seven homeowners and two mobile home owners also were approved to be assisted <br />with housing rehabilitation grants. <br />·The owners of Tan Apartments at 825 San Leandro Blvd. and the Warren Manor at <br />111 Preda Street declined to extend the affordability restrictions for the 18 Below <br />Market Rate units in both properties after their affordability agreements expired in <br />August 2014. <br />GOAL 60: FAIR HOUSING <br />·In 2014, ECHO Housing provided information, counseling, and/or investigation into 17 <br />fair housing complaints or allegations of housing discrimination involving 30 clients. <br />They also addressed seven fair housing complaints involving 13 clients in 2015. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/16/2017