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2A Work Session 2017 0313
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2A Work Session 2017 0313
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File Number: 17-075 <br />concepts, and implementation strategy for a multi-use trail along San Leandro Creek through <br />the cities of San Leandro and Oakland. For context, approximately 2.1 miles of the creek are <br />located in the City of San Leandro, 2.1 miles in the City of Oakland, and 1.8 miles runs along <br />the border of the two cities. <br />The multi-use trail is intended to bring more awareness to the creek and to be similar to the <br />Iron Horse Regional Trail that connects the cities of Concord and Pleasanton, a successful <br />multi-use whole-access trail. The approximately 2.1 miles of the San Leandro Creek that is <br />located entirely within the City of San Leandro limits, including the three-quarter mile stretch of <br />the creek from Root Park to the Southern Pacific Railroad, was studied. The study has similar <br />goals to the Urban Greenway and Creek Walk (that the City Council supported in 2013) by <br />promoting healthy living, restoring the creek, and restoring access to the creek by <br />reconnecting the community with waterways. <br />Analysis <br />The San Leandro Creek offers one of the longest open stretches of creeks in the East Bay. <br />The study area evaluated for a potential trail in the feasibility report is approximately six miles <br />long between the Lake Chabot Dam and the San Leandro Bay. The draft study provides a <br />plan, preliminary design concepts, and an implementation strategy for a multi-use path along <br />the Creek where possible. The proposed San Leandro Creek Trail offers an opportunity to <br />provide a multi-user amenity for area residents, employees, and visitors. <br />For the purpose of the study the entire length of the Creek and study area is divided into eight <br />segments of which four segments are in the City of Oakland and four in the City of San <br />Leandro. The final recommended route includes Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV <br />facilities and a railroad underpass. A long-term solution/alternative route is also provided. The <br />goal is to provide the neighboring communities of Oakland and San Leandro with a feasibility <br />study to understand a route for active transportation, recreation, access to open space, and <br />opportunities for environmental education. <br />The opinion of probable cost for the entire final alternative is approximately $21 million of <br />which the City of Oakland’s portion is approximately $8.5 million and that of San Leandro is <br />$12.5 million. Potential funding sources for the development of the trail are discussed in <br />Chapter 9 of the draft study. It is anticipated that majority of the funding opportunities would <br />be from the Active Transportation Program (ATP) and Alameda County Measure BB. <br />Once the San Leandro Creek Trail Master Plan Study is completed, the next steps would <br />involve securing funding and more public outreach. Additional work/study would be needed at <br />various locations, as mentioned in Chapter 6 and 7 of the draft study, where physical <br />feasibility of construction needs to be determined. Additional study will also be needed in the <br />segments where there was no consensus established. <br />The following chapters are included in the attached Draft San Leandro Creek Trail Master <br />Plan: <br />·Chapter 1 Project Overview: This chapter provides a description of the study area. It <br />introduces the groups that have collaborated to make the trail possible and the benefits <br />that the trail would bring to the surrounding communities. <br />·Chapter 2 Public Outreach: This chapter outlines the public outreach process used to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/8/2017 <br />6
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