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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2017-031 <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ALLOCATION IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO <br />EXCEED $1,700,000 FROM THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO'S SHARE OF ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY MEASURE Al HOUSING BOND FUNDS TO SAN LEANDRO SENIOR <br />ASSOCIATES, L.P., A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (AN AFFILIATE OF <br />BRIDGE HOUSING CORPORATION) TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY GAP FINANCING <br />FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAN LEANDRO SENIOR APARTMENTS, AN <br />AFFORDABLE SENIOR RENTAL HOUSING PROJECT (MAREA ALTA PHASE II) <br />WHEREAS, San Leandro Senior Associates, L.P., a California limited partnership <br />("Developer") and BRIDGE Housing Corporation affiliate (BRIDGE), has a lease for certain <br />real property located at 528 West Juana Avenue in the City of San Leandro, California, Alameda <br />County Assessor's Parcel Number 075-0230-001-00 (the "Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, Developer intends to construct San Leandro Senior Apartments - eighty- <br />five (85) affordable senior residential units on the Property, consisting of seventy-seven (77) <br />one -bedroom, one -bath units and eight (8) two-bedroom, one bath units (the "Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the San Leandro City Council approved $1,000,000 in funding to the <br />Developer on June 6, 2016 (Resolution 2016-74) consisting of a loan in the amount of Two <br />Hundred Fifty -Six Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty -One Dollars ($256,761) from federal HOME <br />Program funds and a separate loan of Seven Hundred Forty -Three Thousand Two Hundred <br />Thirty -Nine Dollars ($743,239) from repayments of former Redevelopment Housing Set -Aside <br />loan funds held by the City in its capacity as Housing Successor to the Redevelopment Agency <br />to assist with the construction and development of the Project ("HOME Loan"); and <br />WHEREAS, late last year the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee awarded the <br />Developer highly competitive low income housing tax credits (LIHTC), which represented the <br />final major funding component to make the Project financially feasible to develop; and <br />WHEREAS, recent statements and efforts from the Trump Administration that propose <br />lowering corporate tax rates had an unexpected and negative national impact on affordable rental <br />housing development projects in the process of or which were approved for federal or State low <br />income housing tax credits (LIHTC), which led to financing gaps that make the projects <br />financially infeasible; and <br />WHEREAS, the $580 million Alameda County Measure Al Housing Bond (Bond) was <br />passed by County voters in November to target affordable housing program needs for low and <br />moderate income County residents; and <br />WHEREAS, each city in Alameda County received an allocation from the Bond for <br />affordable rental housing and San Leandro's pro rata share is approximately $11.9 million <br />dollars; and <br />