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(st) Single -Family Dwelling. Any residential unit designed to house one family and not <br />herein defined as multiple -family; duplexes and mobile homes not located in mobile <br />home parks and condominiums shall be considered single-family. <br />(tu) SS (Suspended Solids). Solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in <br />water, sewage or other liquids, and which are largely removable by laboratory filtration <br />procedures. <br />(uv) User. A discharge of wastewater to the sanitary sewer system. <br />(vw) User Charge. A charge levied on a user of the sewage system which recovers operation <br />and maintenance expenses and capital costs in proportion to the cost of service. <br />(w2�) Volume. The wastewater flow occurring over a specified period of time. <br />(*y) Violation Follow-up Monitoring. Wastewater discharge monitoring for an industrial <br />user or a non-resident user whose wastewater discharge has exceeded wastewater <br />discharge limitations. <br />412.5.105: CLASSIFICATION OF USERS. <br />The user is the occupant or intended occupant or activity for which a connection is made to <br />convey wastewater to the sanitary sewer system. The classifications of users shall be: <br />(a) Classification A. Residential dwelling units; includes single-family dwelling units <br />(detached units; duplexes, condominiums), accessory dwelling units and multiple -family <br />dwelling units (triplexes, quadplexes, apartments, mobile home parks). <br />(b) Classification B. All general commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments <br />from which only sewage is discharged. <br />(c) Classification C. All non-residential establishments whose wastewater discharge <br />contains all or partly non -sewage water, and who are identified in the Standard Industrial <br />Classification Manual (SIC) Manual, 1987, U.S. Office of Management and Budget as <br />amended and supplemented. <br />02.5.110: USER CHARGES. <br />Every user shall pay the following monthly sewer use charge, but in no case shall the total charge <br />be less than the effective rate for a multiple -family dwelling unit. <br />(a) For Classification A Users. The user charge shall be as listed in San Leandro <br />Administrative Code §6.4.100. The charge shall be based upon a flat rate determined by <br />the methods described in these Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations per single- <br />family dwelling unit, accessory dwelling unit or and multiple -family dwelling unit. <br />(b) For Classification B Users. The user charge shall be as listed in San Leandro <br />Administrative Code §6.4.100. The charge shall be based upon the volume of water used <br />Quality Code Data 11/28/2016, Page 3 <br />