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File Number: 17-103 <br />The change to Industrial General will achieve a single designation for the entire site and <br />remove the split designations. This proposed zoning designation will make the land uses <br />permitted by the IG (AU) zoning internally consistent on the site and provide flexibility for <br />future employment uses on the property. <br />Previous Actions <br />The current General Plan and Zoning Map were adopted by the City Council on September <br />19, 2016 and took effect on November 3, 2016. It was noted in the staff report for the 2035 <br />General Plan Update that staff would need to return to the City Council for consideration of <br />the un-zoned parcel at 555 Estudillo Avenue. <br />Planning Commission Review and Action <br />The Planning Commission considered the proposed changes at its February 16, 2017 <br />meeting and recommended City Council adoption by a 5-0 vote (1 commissioner was absent <br />and the District 2 seat is currently vacant). Mr. Todd Fujinaga, representing the affected <br />property owner of the Chumalia sites, spoke at the hearing and requested the Planning <br />Commission delay its decision to allow for further community input on the proposed higher <br />density re-zoning to DA-1. During deliberations, the Planning Commission expressed that <br />delaying the action was unnecessary because any future project application on the property <br />would require public consideration and that the clean-up item before the Commission was <br />intended to correct a map oversight that left the property with a split land use and zoning <br />designation. It was noted that concerns could be better addressed once an actual project is <br />proposed. A complete audio recording of the Planning Commission’s February 16, 2017 <br />hearing can be downloaded online at: < <br />view_id=2&clip_id=878> <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed amendments are exempt from environmental review under Section 15061(b)(3) <br />of the CEQA Guidelines under the General Rule exemption that states that where it can be <br />seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a <br />significant effect on the environment that the activity is not subject to CEQA. The categorical <br />exemption in Section 15305, Minor Alteration in Land Use Limitations also applies. Any future <br />project proposed on these properties will be evaluated under CEQA on a case-by-case basis. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Notification of this meeting included a legal advertisement in the East Bay Times Daily Review <br />and posting of a notice of the meeting at City Hall a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the <br />Planning Commission meeting date. In addition, a courtesy notice was sent to property <br />owners within a 500 foot radius of the three sites under consideration and all San Leandro <br />homeowner associations. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney reviewed the proposed corrections and clarifications and opines that they <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/13/2017 <br />50