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File Number: 17-022 <br />In its efforts to provide relief to Trailer Haven mobile home owners, the City is collaborating <br />with Rebuilding Together Oakland East Bay (Rebuilding Together) to administer a Housing <br />Rehabilitation Grant Program for Trailer Haven mobile home owners. Rebuilding Together <br />(formerly Christmas in April) is a national non-profit with local affiliates. Rebuilding Together’s <br />mission is to preserve affordable home ownership and strengthen communities through free <br />home improvement repairs to low income households in need such as families, seniors, <br />persons with disabilities and veterans. <br />Analysis <br />Rebuilding Together will use the $150,000 funds to repair owner-occupied Trailer Haven <br />mobile homes at no cost to homeowners. Program applicants must meet an income eligibility <br />requirement at or below 80% of area median income, which matches the income requirement <br />for the City’s long-standing ownership Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program. Below are the <br />current U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 80% AMI income limits <br />for San Leandro: <br />·1 person household (Max income level: $52,650) <br />·2 person household (Max income level: $60,150) <br />·3 person household (Max income level: $67,650) <br />·4 person household (Max income level: $75,150) <br />The repairs will target deficiencies due to deferred maintenance for both interior and exterior <br />repairs. Common exterior repairs include roofs, gutters, fences, steps, porches, debris <br />removal, landscaping and paint. The interior repairs that address safety, comfort, <br />independence and energy efficiency include grab bars, handrails, new flooring, plumbing, <br />electrical work, heaters, windows and energy efficient appliances. A combination of skilled <br />staff, skilled and unskilled volunteers, cost-efficient services, and materials would be used to <br />complete the necessary repairs. <br />Repair grants are limited to persons residing at Trailer Haven, and only owner-occupied <br />mobile home units will be eligible for inspections and repairs. Rebuilding Together will <br />conduct outreach and communicate with owner-occupied residences in the Trailer Haven <br />community to identify eligible and interested homeowners who need and are interested in the <br />program. Rebuilding Together will be assessing homeowners’ income eligibility through the <br />collection of tax returns and other income documentation, such as paystubs, Social Security <br />award letters, and proof of ownership of their mobile home units. <br />The contract will allow Rebuilding Together to rehabilitate a projected 42 (30%) of the 139 <br />mobile home units at an estimated average cost of $3,000 per mobile home project. The <br />demand for home repair is not yet fully determinable and factors that may affect residents’ <br />participation may include personal interest level, actual need, income eligibility, and <br />extent/cost of home improvements needed. The $150,000 budget allocates $19,560 to <br />Rebuilding Together’s administrative budget and the remaining $130,440 for rehabilitation <br />projects to qualified Trailer Haven mobile homeowners. <br />The funding for this initiative is the projected one-time receipt of $98,400 in Real Property <br />Transfer Tax and the first three years of additional property tax estimated to be $18,000 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/13/2017 <br />143