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File Number: 17-195 <br />Gomez, Craig Alt <br />1.B. Announcements <br />City Manager Zapata announced that a quorum is present with two Councilmembers in <br />attendance. <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. 17-130 Community Workforce Agreement - Update to Finance <br /> Committee <br />E&T Director Cooke introduced Kirsten Foley as the project manager for the Community <br />Workforce Agreement. Foley provided the key components of the Community Workforce <br />Agreement: Minimum Project Cost Threshold, Labor Peace, Union Hiring Hall and Impact on <br />Non-Union Contractors, Local Hiring, Apprenticeships, and Joint Administrative Committee. <br />There are two projects the City of San Leandro is currently working on that qualify under the <br />Community Workforce Agreement. The two projects are the Annual Overlay Rehabilitation <br />2015-16 Project and the Climatec Energy and Water Efficiency Project. A goal is to hire as <br />many City of San Leandro residents in both journeyman and apprentice capacities as <br />possible, with residents of Alameda County being the second tier. <br />The Joint Administrative Committee (JAC) is a panel of experts that meet at a minimum of <br />once per quarter. The JAC consists of five members including Foley, the project manager, <br />two representatives of the signatory Unions and Alameda County Building and Construction <br />Trades Council, and one industry representative. The JAC works to ensure that all other <br />provisions of the agreement are adhered to. <br />Unfortunately, due to the recent weather, the Annual Overlay Rehabilitation Project has been <br />delayed, and is only 18% complete. The Climatec Energy and Water Efficiency Project has <br />also been delayed due in part to negotiations and requirements of the agreement, e.g. having <br />to hire a San Leandro resident for a specific job when the contractor may have a qualified <br />employee. Additionally, some subcontractors elected not to work on the project once they <br />became aware of the requirements of the CWA, resulting in additional delays. The Climatec <br />project should be near completion but unfortunately, it is not expected to be completed until <br />the end of 2017. <br />City Manager Zapata stated that with the Capital Improvement Project requests that will be <br />presented to Council for the upcoming Biennial Budget, there will be many other opportunities <br />for the Community Workforce Agreement to be utilized. <br />Councilman Lee would like to see a list of projects for both 2016 and 2017 calendar years that <br />are under $1M, specifically projects that are between $500K - $1M. <br />E&T Director Cooke and Administrative Manager Foley stated that this is a new process and <br />we are all in a learning stage. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />19