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File Number: 17-166 <br />Per the definition used by public agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area, a parklet is a <br />temporary sidewalk extension installed to enhance the pedestrian environment and to <br />encourage non-motorized transportation. These installations convert parking or similar <br />roadside spaces into well-constructed temporary plazas that are harmonious with the <br />surrounding businesses and neighborhood. Parklets advance this City Council goal because <br />they have the potential to invigorate surrounding businesses and increase use of the public <br />right-of-way, which enhances residents’ quality of life and wellness. <br />Based on direction from the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee in spring <br />2016, staff researched and analyzed parklet programs in the cities of San Francisco and <br />Oakland. Program components such as review processes, community engagement, guidance <br />on design and location, fee structure, insurance requirements, staff resources deployed, and <br />maintenance requirements were studied and compared with existing City processes. <br />The primary arguments in favor of granting parklet permits are the potential to energize <br />under-utilized business districts and to create opportunities for more pedestrian friendly zones <br />and traffic calming. A major concern in permitting parklets is mitigating the City’s risk in <br />authorizing temporary installations in the public right-of-way and how to mitigate this risk by <br />mandating insurance coverage from permit holders and support public safety. <br /> <br />Analysis <br />After careful review of best practices nationwide, comparable programs in San Francisco and <br />Oakland, and feedback from the Facilities and Transportation Committee staff proposes the <br />following considerations for the City’s pilot parklet program: <br />Location: <br />Proposed parklet sites must be located on a street that has curbside parking lanes, minimal <br />pavement cross slope and must utilize at least one parking space but not more than two. <br />Parklet locations must be on a City street, which for now excludes any California State Routes <br />such as State Route 185 (East 14th Street), State Route 61 (Doolittle Drive) and State Route <br />112 (Davis Street). Best practices in other cities, and per a recommendation from the City’s <br />Risk Management Joint Powers Authority parklets must be on a street with a speed limit of 25 <br />mph or less. <br />Design Parameters: <br />Because parklets are intended to be aesthetic improvements to the streetscape, plans must <br />be designed and stamped by a licensed architect or civil engineer, and materials used for <br />construction must be high quality, durable, and attractive. <br />Additionally, parklets must be accessible to individuals with disabilities per the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Wheelchair users must be able to enter the <br />parklet and access all of the primary features of the parklet. To maintain the gutter and area <br />beneath the parklet, access panels must be included in the walking surface to allow for <br />drainage from the street and along the gutter-line. <br />Responsibilities: <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />83