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File Number: 17-168 <br />Agreement and shall pay the Parklet Restoration Deposit. <br />(c) Applicant shall provide evidence of liability insurance coverage <br />through submittal of a Certificate of Insurance including all <br />endorsements that name the City of San Leandro as an additional <br />insured, with commercial general liability coverage of not less than <br />$2 million per claim, and $4 million over the policy term. Policy <br />must be with an insurer rated A:VII or better through the A.M. Best <br />rating company. Evidence of insurance satisfactory to the City of <br />San Leandro is required before issuance of a permit. <br /> <br />(d) Applicant shall install the parklet per approved design plans <br />and design guidelines on file in the Engineering & Transportation <br />Department. <br /> <br />(e) Applicant shall maintain the parklet in a clean and orderly <br />condition. Applicant shall not permit persons or animals to live <br />within or upon a parklet. <br />(f) City shall inspect installed parklets upon initial installation and <br />annually thereafter. <br /> <br />(g) Fees for the initial and annual parklet permits and inspections <br />shall be waived during the pilot period. <br /> <br />(h) If the Applicant or permittee fails to maintain the parklet per the <br />Parklet Maintenance Agreement or fails to submit annually, valid <br />certificates of liability insurance for the coverage amounts indicated <br />herein and insured with companies of A:VII ratings or better, and <br />endorsements naming the City as an additional insured, then the <br />property owner may be held responsible by the City for the parklet, <br />including all maintenance responsibilities, liabilities and fees.. <br /> <br />(i) The City may revoke annual parklet permits and may demand <br />that property owners remove the parklet if it is not kept consistent <br />with the approved design plans or the permittee is not otherwise in <br />compliance with the Parklet Maintenance Agreement. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />106