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File Number: 17-167 <br />SECTION 2. Environmental Review. This program is categorically exempt pursuant to <br />subsection (c) of section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. <br />SECTION 3. Amendments to the Municipal Code. <br />1. Title I, Chapter 1-3, Article 10, Section 1-3-1005(c) of the City of San <br />Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />(c) hear and recommend to the City Council proposals that affect the <br />traffic circulation in the City, if such proposals are referred to the <br />Commission by the Zoning Enforcement Official or the Engineering and <br />Transportation Director or Designee; initiate proposals to the City Council <br />regarding the desirability of enacting new regulations or programs <br />regarding traffic circulation; and hear and make the final decision on an <br />appeal following the denial of an application for a parklet; <br />2. Title 5, Chapter 5-1, Article 1., Section 5-1-100(d) of the City of San Leandro <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />(d) PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. “Public Works Director” shall mean the <br />San Leandro Public Works Director, Engineering & Transportation <br />Director or designee. <br />3. Title 5, Chapter 5-1, Article 6., Section 5-1-650 of the City of San Leandro <br />Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: <br />5-1-650 PARKLETS <br />Parklets shall be temporary spaces in the public right-of-way for the use <br />of the general public that are privately constructed and maintained <br />according to permits issued by the City that in addition to such <br />requirements of the San Leandro Municipal Code also shall meet the <br />requirements in Title 8, Chapter 13 of the San Leandro Administrative <br />Code. <br />(a) Parklets shall remain publicly accessible with signage to this effect. <br />(b) Table service is not permitted and neither alcohol nor smoking are <br />allowed at a Parklet. <br />(c) Commercial signage and advertising are not permitted on Parklets. <br />4. Title 5, Chapter 5-1, Article 6, Section 5-1-655 of the City of San Leandro <br />Municipal Code is hereby added to read as follows: <br /> 5-1-655 ENFORCEMENT <br />The Public Works Director is designated as the enforcement authority for <br />purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Chapter. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/10/2017 <br />108