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City of San Leandro Parklet Program <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />parklet /pärklet/ Noun 1. A parking space sized <br />area used for recreational or beautification <br />purposes. 2. A means to repurpose part of a <br />street for community use to promote a safer, <br />more comfortable public realm. <br /> <br />A parklet is the temporary use of space in the dedicated public right-of- <br />way (parking spaces, unused bus stops, and other types of vehicular and <br />non-vehicular zones) for public uses such as seating or bicycle racks. <br />Parklets are publicly accessible space for the enjoyment and use of all San <br />Leandro citizens, and are privately constructed and maintained. <br /> <br />It is envisioned that the parklets will be located in areas with pedestrian <br />activity, as additional seating areas for retail patrons, and in areas where <br />there is a desire to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment. Parklets <br />are intended to be seen as pieces of street furniture, providing aesthetic <br />enhancements to the overall streetscape. <br /> <br />In place of car parking, a platform is built to extend the grade of the <br />sidewalk into the street. Once the platform is installed, benches, tables, <br />chairs, landscaping, and bike parking can all be placed on top in order to <br />create a parklet. Parklets must remain publicly accessible and will require <br />signage to this effect. Table service is not permitted and alcohol is not <br />allowed in a parklet. Commercial signage and advertising are not <br />permitted. <br /> <br />Building on momentum in neighboring cities, the City of San Leandro will <br />launch a pilot program for parklets. During this pilot, two applications for <br />parklet permits will be considered per the initial two year cycle. <br /> <br />Applicants should review the PARKLET GUIDELINES & RESPONSIBILITIES, <br />APPLICATION CHECKLIST, APPLICATION and LETTER of INTENT prior to <br />beginning the application. <br /> <br />88