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requirements and review will be required to make the parklet <br />accessible. See the "Accessibility Elements for Parklets" Standards as <br />reference above. <br />(i) Abandoned driveway curb cuts, sidewalk defects, empty tree <br />wells, or other sidewalk conditions at the parklet location must be <br />repaired and addressed as required with a City Encroachment Permit <br />to ensure safe ingress and egress conditions. <br />0) At the discretion of the Engineering & Transportation <br />Director, Parklets shall be required to have soft hit posts and wheel <br />stops to deflect the impact from errant vehicles. <br />(k) If a parklet deck is constructed with concrete, the concrete <br />specific weight shall be a maximum of 2001bs/ square foot. <br />(1) Parklets are prohibited in blue curb zones. <br />(m) Parklets may replace yellow curb zones or motorcycle parking <br />if there are appropriate adjacent locations for these zones to be <br />relocated. <br />(n) Parklets may be allowed in red, white and green curb zones if <br />for the white and green curb zones the business that originally <br />requested the white or green zones agrees to re -purpose that curb area <br />for use as a parklet and in red zones if approved by the Engineering <br />and Transportation Director. <br />(o) Parklet structures shall not be allowed over a manhole, public <br />utility valve or other at -grade access point in the street or sidewalk <br />unless provision are provided for their access. <br />13.125 PAR.KLETS SUBMITTALS: After approval of a parklet design plan and <br />before commencing construction and installation of the parklet, applicants shall <br />complete the following. <br />(a) Applicant shall obtain an initial parklet permit for installation <br />and annual parklet permits thereafter. <br />(b) Applicant shall submit completed Parklet Maintenance <br />Agreement and shall pay the Parklet Restoration Deposit. <br />(c) Applicant shall provide evidence of liability insurance <br />coverage through submittal of a Certificate of Insurance including all <br />endorsements that name the City of San Leandro as an additional <br />insured, with commercial general liability coverage of not less than <br />$2 million per claim, and $4 million over the policy term. Policy <br />must be with an insurer rated A:VII or better through the A.M. Best <br />rating company. Evidence of insurance satisfactory to the City of San <br />Leandro is required before issuance of a permit. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2017-038 4 <br />