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PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br /> SUBRECIPIENT SHALL, FOR THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT <br /> Performance will be measured by the number of meals served and the number of San Leandro seniors who <br /> participate in the program, with data available on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. During the year grant, <br /> Spectrum will serve at least 7,604 nutritious meals to at least 450 San Leandro seniors. <br /> Success for this program is defined not only by meeting or exceeding our goals and objectives, but by the <br /> quality of the services provided. Evaluation of Spectrum's meal service has always been an on-going activity. <br /> Weekly reviews of operations and meals served ensure that management and administration are able to <br /> identify and correct any potential production or delivery problems before they become significant. <br /> Meals will be carefully planned and prepared to be delicious, low salt, and nutritionally balanced to supply 1/3rd <br /> of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance for older adults. Spectrum's Senior Meal Program is monitored by <br /> the Alameda County Area Agency on Aging, whose annual monitoring visits provide important feedback to <br /> project management as staff continues to strive for excellence. Spectrum consistently earns high marks for <br /> maintaining high standards in food quality, kitchen practices and program operations. The AAA reports are <br /> available for review upon request. <br /> Spectrum is well prepared to collect accurate data for the senior meals program, as our contract for Older <br /> Americans Act and USDA senior nutrition funding requires us to maintain detailed records about the number of <br /> meals prepared and served, and the number and demographics of program participants. Senior Meal Program <br /> staff and volunteers are trained to track and measure the program at multiple points, including food production <br /> in the kitchen, delivery and handling of food at meal sites, and welcoming, registering and serving each <br /> individual diner. The data is gathered daily for each meal site and collected in monthly reports. <br /> TIMELINES <br /> 1St Quarter July—Sept 2016: 1,901 hot, nutritious meals will be served. <br /> 2nd Quarter Oct—Dec 2016: 1,801 hot, nutritious meals will be served. <br /> 3rd Quarter Jan—March 2017: 2,001 hot, nutritious meals will be served. <br /> 4th Quarter April—June 2017: 1,901 hot, nutritious meals will be served. <br /> -15- <br /> CDBG Agreement with Spectrum Community Services FY16-17 <br />