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5A Public Hearings 2017 0501
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2017 0501
5A Public Hearings 2017 0501
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4/25/2017 4:18:47 PM
Creation date
4/25/2017 4:16:33 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Current FeeDescriptionProposed Fee ScheduleReferenceCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division (continued)Proposed Fees3Electrical Permit (Continued)Service disconnecting means for additional meterup to a maximum of $89.30 each Fixed Residential Appliances (connection on new or existing circuits):Electric range, dryer, combination washer and dryer, furnace, water heater, etc., each$11.40 Heaters (air, water and other kinds), furnaces and welding machines: For each DW or kVA and fraction of either.Up to and including 20kW or kVA $24.10 Over 20kW or kVA to and including 50kW or kVA $59.60 Over 50kW or kVA to and including 80 kW or kVA $95.30 Over 80kW or kVA $117.50 Medical/dental equipment, food cabinets, show cases, laundry machines, motion picture machines, specialty lighting, etc.)$11.30 Fire protection systems, other than smoke detectors$16.50 Smoke detectors$5.20 Motors, including starting and controlling apparatus therefore and wiring between same and motor: Up to and including 1 h.p.$5.20 1.1 h.p. to 10 h.p.$11.30 10.1 h.p. to 13 h.p.$36.00 13.1 h.p. to 16 h.p.$44.20 16.1 h.p. to 19 h.p.$53.40 19.1 h.p. to 22 h.p.$61.60 22.1 h.p. to 25 h.p.$69.80 25.1 h.p. to 28 h.p.$78.00 28.1 h.p. to 31 h.p.$86.20 31.1 h.p. to 34 h.p.$95.50 Above 34 h.p.$95.50 For changes, renewals or replacement of said apparatus, where no changes in wiring are necessaryOne-half (1/2) of the amount set forth above For motor generator sets, balancer sets, dynamotors and converters, including control apparatus 1 to 20$23.30 21 to 50$60.40 51 to 80$91.80 81 and above$105.50 For inspection of alterations and changes in existing wiring, each inspection visit$32.50 Photovoltaic Fees do not include Issuing and Filing Fees, Automation fees, and other mandated fees Photovoltaic - Residential Photovoltaic - Commercial/Industrial 0 to 8kw Photovoltaic - Commercial/Industrial >8 to 48kw Photovoltaic - Commercial/Industrial >48kw Each 0 - 8kw P.V. Inverter over 1$23.70 Each >8 - 48kw P.V. Inverter over 1$56.10 Each >48kw P.V. Inverter over 1$9.50 Energy Conservation: review of plans and/or energy forms for all buildings subject to the California Energy Commission’s conservation regulations (when not covered by building permit)Direct Cost (1) with a minimum charge of $66.00 (1)Direct Cost = hourly personnel charge plus a factor of 100% for fringe benefits, overhead and indirect costsFixed commercial appliances (connection on new or existing circuits) not exceeding 1HP, kW or kVA:$64.00 (includes over-the-counter plan check, 1 inverter, 1 disconnect, and circuit connection to main panel)$270.00 (includes 1hr. structural plan check, 1 hr. electrical plan check, and 1 inverter)$378.00 (includes 1-1/2hr. structural plan check, 1 hr. electrical plan check, and 1 inverter )150% of fees set forth above, with a maximum for one such machine of $96.00Transformers and balance coils, when not embodied in or included with apparatus for which fee is herein specifically prescribed, Generators, and Rectifiers (mercury arc, vibrating and electrolytic) rated for each rated kVA and fraction thereof:$755.00 (includes 4 hrs. structural plan check, 1 hr. electrical plan check, and 1 inverter) 523
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