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 Annual Action Plan 2017 13OMB Control No: 2506‐0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) Expected Resources AP‐15 Expected Resources – 91.420(b), 91.220(c) (1, 2) Introduction This section provides a brief description of the federal CDBG and HOME funds available to implement the City's FY 2017‐2018 Annual Action Plan, which outlines the third year of the FY 2015‐2019 Consolidated Plan. Anticipated Resources Program Source of Funds Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 1 Expected Amount Available Reminder of ConPlan $ Narrative Description Annual Allocation: $ Program Income: $ Prior Year Resources: $ Total: $ CDBG public - federal Acquisition Admin and Planning Economic Development Housing Public Improvements Public Services $650,261 $0 $0 $650,261 $0 As a CDBG entitlement locality, the City of San Leandro directly receives CDBG funds annually from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDBG funds can be used for a variety of housing and community development activities which benefit lower income individuals and families. HOME public - federal Acquisition Admin and Planning Housing Other $156,659 $0 $0 $156,659 $0 The City of San Leandro receives HOME funds via a formula allocation through the Alameda County HOME Consortium. The HOME Program provides flexible funding to states and local governments for affordable housing programs and activities for low-income households. HOME funds can be used to acquire, rehabilitate, and construct affordable housing, as well as to provide tenant-based rental assistance or homebuyer assistance or homeowner rehabilitation for income-eligible individuals and families. Table 5 ‐ Expected Resources – Priority Table 90