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ATTACHMENT ATOTALSFY17-18 CDBG Grant650,261$ *Estimated Program Income (PI)-$ Unallocated Funds Carryover from previous years-$ Total available for projects 650,261$ Project NameProject DescriptionNational ObjectiveActivity EligibilityAllocationCALICO - San Leandro Child Abuse Intervention ProjectChild Abuse Listening, Interviewing and Coordination Center provide family support services for children who have suffered abuseLow/Mod Income Clientele Public service $ 20,071 Davis Street Family Resource Center - Basic Needs ProgramProvide food, clothing, childcare, job readiness training, medical clinic, and social services for low-income peopleLow/Mod Income Clientele Public service $ 35,731 SOS / Meals on Wheels - Meals Delivery Service to Homebound SeniorsProvide support services programs for low-income seniorsLow/Mod Income Clientele Public service $ 26,591 Spectrum Community Services - San Leandro Senior Nutrition ProgramProvide seniors with hot, nutritious meals in supportive settingsLow/Mod Income Clientele Public service $ 15,146 $ 97,539 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION & PLANNINGGeneral AdministrationN/AGeneral admin 120,052$ Fair HousingProvide fair housing servicesN/APublic service10,000$ $130,052PUBLIC FACILITIES & IMPROVEMENTSMandatory Section 108 Loan RepaymentRepay Section 108 Loan used to construct new Senior Center in accordance with Repayment Schedule provided by HUDLow/Mod Income Clientele Public facility 194,585$ ADA Transition Plan for City FacilitiesComplete architectural modifications to City facilities (Main Library, Marina Community Center, City Hall, South Offices, Police Department, Marina Park, & Washington Manor Library) to improve ADA accessibilityLow/Mod Income Clientele Public facility 128,085$ 322,670$ Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Program Provide Grants for minor home repairs to low- and very low-income homeowners Low/Mod Income Clientele Housing100,000$ 100,000$ Total CDBG Amount Available for Project Expenditures 650,261$ FY17-18 HOME Grant157,436$ **Carry over from Prior Years -$ Total HOME Amount Available for Project Expenditures157,436$ Project Name Project Description National ObjectiveActivity EligibilityAllocationAdministration Administrative expenses as per the cap specified in the regulations N/A $ 9,301 Acquisition/rehabilitation/new construction of rental projects; Tenant-based rental assistanceN/A 24 CRF 92.205 $ 148,135 157,436$ ** Projected $157,436 HOME funds will be used to repay Alameda County HCD for its $566,066 laon to BRIDGE Housing for Marea Alta Phase 1 over the next 3 fiscal years. HUD has yet to provide the City with its HOME allocation for FY17-18.PUBLIC SERVICESTotal Amount Available Under 15% Spending Cap ($97,539)Total Amount Available Under 20% Spending Cap ($130,052) Total Amount Available for Public Facilities HOUSING ACTIVITIES* Projected CDBG allocation based on last year's allocation. HUD has yet to provide the City with its CDBG allocation for FY17-18. FINALFY 2017-2018 HUD Annual Action Plan: CDBG and HOME FundsCDBG FUNDSPI = Example: Payments of principal and interest on loans made with CDBG fundsTotal Amount Available for Housing Activities HOME FUNDSTotal 74