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File Number: 17-254 <br />Public present: Leo T. West, Aaron Kerrigan, Leo Sheridan, Dee Kerry, Jeff Kerry, Teresa <br />Zumbo, Kevin Collins, Evelyn Gonzalez, Diana Prola, David Stark, Shalae Wynn, Guillermo <br />Elenes, Rose Johnson, David Lunge <br />1. B. Announcements <br />The Mayor announced the State of the City Address. <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2. A. Proposed Tenant Relocation Assistance Program <br />Deputy Community Director, Tom Liao provided a brief update on the proposed, Tenant <br />Relocation Assistance Program’s draft ordinance, which included suggested revisions from <br />the last Rules Committee Meeting. <br />Several members of the audience reported insufficient time to review the ordinance and <br />accompanying information, and requested additional time to review. <br />After clarification on the topics of certified mail for noticing requirements, triggers for “Acts of <br />God”, instances whereby the landlord wants to move a family member into the property, and <br />possible exclusions for affordable housing complexes, the committee made the following <br />recommendation: <br />Recommendation: Staff will return to the committee at a future date after receiving <br />input from interested stakeholders. The committee requested clarification regarding <br />‘Acts of God’ and further development of a solution for property owners who want to <br />move a family member into an occupied unit. <br />Staff will target the May Rules Committee meeting to return with the requested information. <br />2. B. Discussion of San Leandro’s Joint Use Agreement with SLUSD <br />Mayor Cutter gave an introduction and background on the purpose of the meeting and Public <br />Works Director, Debbie Pollart presented a chart that contained the City of San Leandro joint <br />use agreements with SLUSD. City and School Board staff will set up a meeting between the <br />two organizations to work on a possible master agreement. <br />The item was not scheduled to a future Rules Committee. <br />2.C. Councilmember Handbook Review <br />The committee reviewed Appendices A and B and made no changes. <br />3. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Jeff Carey, Virginia Madsen, Maria Luisa Peneranda, Stephanie Sanchez, John Sullivan, Bill <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/24/2017 <br />125