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3/31/2017 12/31/2016 <br />LAIF - City Pool #98-01-809 $50,874,344 $39,203,030 <br />LAIF - Successor Agency 2,368,554 2,364,526 <br />LAIF - RDA 1999 Bond Proceeds #11-01-001 0 0 <br />LAIF - RDA 2008 Bond Proceeds #11-01-038 0 0 <br />LAIF - Economic Development Agency 2 2 <br />Passbook/Checking Accounts 10,811,427 19,658,334 <br />Total LAIF and Bank Accounts $64,054,327 $61,225,893 <br />Investment Portfolio Market Value $44,842,668 $44,704,548 <br />Total Market Value $108,896,995 $105,930,441 <br />LAIF Quarterly Apportionment Rate 0.78% 0.68% <br />2 year US Treasury Yield to Maturity 1.27% 1.20% <br />5 year US Treasury Yield to Maturity 1.93% 1.93% <br />Investment Portfolio: <br /> Average Maturity (yrs)1.59 1.55 <br /> Modified Duration 1.54 1.51 <br /> Average Book Yield 1.28% 1.19% <br /> Average Yield to Maturity at Market 1.32% 1.19% <br /> Average Quality S&P/Moody AA+/Aa1 AA/Aa1 <br />Portfolio Characteristics <br />2 <br />Portfolio Activity <br />There were five securities maturing over the previous quarter, totaling 2.95 million. The proceeds from the <br />maturities were reinvested to a mix of securities, including two Supranational positions, two Corporate <br />notes, and an Agency security. With these purchases, the portfolio allocation to the Supranational sector <br />increased over the quarter, with a corresponding decrease in the allocation to the US Treasury and Agency <br />sector. The duration of the portfolio extended slightly from the previous quarter, to 1.54. 149