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<br />CDBG Consulting Services Agreement
<br />for Rebuilding Together Oakland East Bay
<br />
<br />6.1 Insurance. Before beginning any work under this Agreement, Consultant, at its own cost and
<br />expense, shall procure "occurrence coverage" insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property
<br />that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Consultant and its agents,
<br />representatives, employees, and subcontractors. Consultant shall provide proof satisfactory to City of such insurance
<br />that meets the requirements of this section and under forms of insurance satisfactory in all respects to City, and that
<br />such insurance is in effect prior to beginning work for City. Consultant shall maintain the insurance policies required
<br />by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Consultant’s
<br />bid. Consultant shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until Consultant has obtained
<br />all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence thereof to City. VERIFICATION OF THE
<br />EXECUTION. Consultant shall maintain all required insurance listed herein for the duration of this Agreement.
<br />
<br />6.2 Workers’ Compensation. Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’
<br />Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by
<br />Consultant. The Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided
<br />with limits of not less than ONE MILLION AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per accident. In the alternative,
<br />Consultant may rely on a self-insurance program to meet those requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance
<br />complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self-insurance program
<br />meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of Contract Officer. The insurer, if
<br />insurance is provided, or Consultant, if a program of self-insurance is provided, shall waive all rights of subrogation
<br />against City and its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers for loss arising from work performed under this
<br />Agreement.
<br />
<br /> An endorsement shall state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced
<br />in coverage or in limits, except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has
<br />been given to City.
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<br />6.3 Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance.
<br />
<br />a. General requirements. Consultant, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial
<br />general and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than ONE MILLION
<br />AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limit coverage for risks associated with the
<br />work contemplated by this Agreement. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability form or
<br />other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the work
<br />to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence
<br />limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal
<br />injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from activities contemplated under this
<br />Agreement, including the use of owned and non-owned automobiles.
<br />
<br /> b. Minimum scope of coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as
<br />Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 (ed. 11/88) or Insurance Services
<br />Office form number GL 0002 (ed. 1/73) covering comprehensive General Liability and Insurance Services Office form
<br />number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability. Automobile coverage shall be at least as
<br />broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001 (ed. 12/90) Code 1 (“any auto”). No
<br />endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage.
<br />
<br />c. Additional requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or
<br />added as an endorsement to the policy:
<br />
<br />(1) City and its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be covered as insureds
<br />with respect to each of the following: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of Consultant, including
<br />the insured’s general supervision of Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant; premises owned,
<br />occupied, or used by Consultant; and automobiles owned, leased, or used by the Consultant. The coverage shall
<br />contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to City or its officers, employees, agents, or
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