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• <br /> Certification Program (PACP) index rating is 3 or worse (as graded from 1 to 5) or if the <br /> new lateral connection will cause any structural damage to the sanitary sewer main line, <br /> the applicant shall replace the main pipeline from manhole to manhole as part of this <br /> project prior to making the sewer lateral connection. <br /> 2. Building Permit plans shall show van accessible parking spaces. Accessible parking <br /> spaces shall be constructed according to City Standard Plan 602. <br /> 3. Building Permit plans shall show the location(s) of proposed mailbox kiosks. Applicant <br /> shall provide proof that the location(s) are acceptable to the local Post Master and easily <br /> accessible for the residents. <br /> 4. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and <br /> Transportation Department for any work within public right-of-way. Contractors must be <br /> properly licensed, have a valid Business License, and submit proof of insurance. <br /> Applicable fees/deposits must be paid at the time of issuance, and do not vest with this <br /> approval. <br /> 5. The applicant shall obtain a Grading Permit from the Engineering and Transportation <br /> Department and pay associated fees prior to obtaining a Building Permit. The applicant <br /> shall submit Erosion Control plans and a detailed maintenance plan for the post <br /> construction storm water treatment measures. The applicant shall implement all applicable <br /> items listed in the model list of source control measures published by the Alameda <br /> Countywide Clean Water Program. <br /> 6. Plans shall show a new pedestrian curb ramp within the public right-of-way at the <br /> intersection of Thornton Street and Washington Avenue in compliance with ADA <br /> standards. <br /> 7. All abandoned driveways shall be removed and replaced with City standard sidewalk, <br /> curb and gutter. Show these locations on the plans. <br /> 8. Per Exhibit BB, the locations of necessary sidewalk repairs to eliminate hazards shall be <br /> shown on the site improvement plans. The applicant shall remove broken and uplifted <br /> sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter along the project frontages as shown in the exhibit <br /> and shall construct new City standard sidewalk, driveway, curb and gutter in the same <br /> location and alignment as the existing curb and gutter. The applicant shall obtain an <br /> encroachment permit prior to beginning any sidewalk or driveway repairs. <br /> 9. Driveway and sidewalk construction shall be in compliance with the City of San Leandro <br /> Standard Plans Drawing No. 102, Case 3101 and Drawing No. 100, Case 3101. <br /> 10. Specify on Building Permit plans width of garage door on Thornton Street. Garage door <br /> shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. <br /> 11. Plans shall show two new red-curbed zones on street for no parking on either side of the <br /> proposed driveway: 20 feet along the east of the driveway, and 10 feet along the west of <br /> the driveway. <br /> Agreement to Conditions February 2,2017 <br /> PLN16-0050 Page 8 of 15 <br />