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<br /> <br />Article 3. Requirement to provide relocation assistance <br />4-37-300 Requirement to provide relocation assistance. <br /> No landlord shall effectuate a landlord-caused termination without paying relocation assistance in accordance with this Chapter. <br /> <br /> 4-37-305 Relocation assistance. <br /> The landlord shall provide relocation assistance, in a total amount not to exceed Ten <br />Thousand Dollars ($10,000), where required by section 4-37-300, to an eligible tenant in the following amounts: <br /> (a) Three times the most current Fair Market Rents as published annually by the U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) for the Oakland-Fremont, California <br />HUD Metro FMR Area in the Federal Register, or three times the monthly rent that the tenant(s) <br />is paying at the time the notice of the landlord-caused termination is delivered, whichever amount is greater. <br /> (b) One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for special-circumstances households. A tenant is <br />only entitled to claim a special-circumstances household payment of One Thousand Dollars <br />($1,000) per residential property. <br /> 4-37-310 Procedures for relocation assistance payment. <br /> The landlord shall pay relocation assistance as follows: <br /> (a) The entire relocation assistance amount shall be paid to the tenant. If the <br />residential property is occupied by two (2) or more individuals, then relocation assistance shall <br />be paid to the individual entitled to occupy the residential property under the lease or rental agreement; provided, however, if the tenant receives, as part of the termination of tenancy, <br />relocation assistance from a governmental agency, then the amount of that relocation assistance <br />shall operate as a credit against any relocation assistance to be paid to the tenant. Landlord may <br />deduct from the relocation assistance payable any and all past due rent owed by tenant during the <br />twelve months prior to termination of tenancy. (b) After taking into account any adjustments in the amount of the relocation <br />assistance under section 4-37-310(a), the landlord shall pay one half of the relocation assistance <br />no later than five business days following service of the notice to a tenant of landlord-caused <br />termination and one half of the relocation assistance no later than the last day of tenancy for <br />which the landlord has received rent. For landlord-caused terminations where a landlord provides a proposed rent increase, or proposed rent increases, that raise the rent to an amount <br />more than fifteen percent (15%) greater than the base rent during a twelve (12) month period and <br />the tenant elects to not remain in the residential property, the landlord shall pay one half of the <br />relocation assistance no later than five business days following receipt of written notice that the <br />tenant intends to vacate the residential property and one half of the relocation assistance no later than the last day of tenancy for which the landlord has received rent. If the tenant ultimately <br />fails to vacate the residential property following a landlord-caused termination where a landlord <br />provides a proposed rent increase, or proposed rent increases, that raise the rent to an amount <br />more than fifteen percent (15%) greater than the base rent during a twelve (12) month period, the <br />tenant shall reimburse relocation assistance to the landlord. (c) Nothing provided herein prohibits a landlord and a tenant from agreeing to <br />relocation assistance different than as provided in this section. A landlord shall not attempt to <br />278