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Exhibit B, Page 3 of 3 <br />36. 35. Park and Recreation Facilities. <br />37. 36. Pawn Shop. <br />38. 37. Public Safety Facilities. <br />39. 38. Retail Sales, Big Box. <br />40. 39. Secondhand Sales. <br />41. 40. Service Stations. <br />42. 41. Supermarkets. <br />43. 42. Telecommunications, New Monopoles and Towers. (Subject to the <br />regulations of Section 4-1686: Wireless Telecommunications Facilities.) <br />44. 43. Theaters. <br />45. 44. Tobacconist/Cigarette Stores. [Tobacconist/cigarette stores shall not be <br />located within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of a site occupied by <br />a public or private school, park, library, or recreational facilities, or of other <br />tobacconist/cigarette stores, and no exterior vending machines shall be <br />permitted. Tobacconist/cigarette stores may be operated only between the <br />hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. unless longer hours are allowed with the <br />approval of a conditional use permit, with a finding that the extended hours <br />would not have an adverse effect on neighboring uses.] <br />46. 45. Two-Family Residential. <br />47. 46. Utilities, Major. <br />48. 47. Vehicle/Equipment Repair, Limited. <br />49. 48. Vehicle/Equipment Repair, General. <br />50. 49. Vehicle/Heavy Equipment Dealers, New. <br />51. 50. Vehicle/Heavy Equipment Dealers, Used. <br />52. 51. Vehicle/Heavy Equipment Rentals. <br /> <br />29