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File Number: 17-356 <br />recommended funding for the COPS program. <br />12. SOS Meals on Wheels - Meals, delivery and safety check for isolated seniors <br />Fiscal and Budget Authority <br />The adopted 2017-18 budget includes $150,000 in account number 010-61-014-8513 for <br />Community Assistance Program grants. City Council adopted the 2017-18 budget on June 5, <br />2017. Future funding for the CAP will reflect planning and receipt of funding from Measures <br />OO, PP, and NN, based on direction from the City Council. <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends the approval of the recommendations from the Human Services <br />Commission for the Community Assistance Program grants for 2017-18. <br />PREPARED BY: Jeanette Dong, Director, Recreation and Human Services <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/13/2017 <br />227