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File Number: 17-387 <br />2. For landlord-caused termination due to rent increases greater than 12%, a <br />landlord must provide a “notice of entitlement to relocation assistance” with <br />the rent increase notice at least 60 days prior, per State law. <br />V. Prohibition of Retaliation <br />A. Under California Civil Code Section 1942.5, a landlord may not begin eviction <br />proceedings or other retaliatory actions against a tenant who “lawfully and <br />peaceably exercises his or her legal rights” under the Ordinance. <br />VI. Miscellaneous <br />A. Staff will prepare an annual report to the City Council assessing the Ordinance’s <br />effectiveness, and recommending changes as appropriate. <br />The implementation and administration of the proposed Ordinance is an outstanding issue. <br />Staff briefed the City Council Rules Committee on the need for part-time City or consultant <br />staff to monitor landlord notices of termination, address inquiries and concerns from both <br />tenants and landlords, develop and distribute outreach materials in multiple languages and <br />provide technical assistance. <br />Staff estimates the annual cost for Tenant Relocation Program administration is $50,000. <br />Staff proposed an annual $10 per rental unit fee charged to landlords on the business license <br />tax to offset administration costs related to the Tenant Relocation Program and the Rent <br />Review Ordinance (which costs approximately $50,000 annually). Staff assumes that the <br />need for Tenant Relocation Program administration would be similar to administrative needs <br />for the Rent Review Board in that there would be years of significant activity and years when <br />there would be little to no activity. The proposed Rental Unit Fee therefore would need to be <br />evaluated annually, along with the annual program report, and only charged during years <br />when there are costs associated with these programs. The Rules Committee opted not to <br />address funding for the City’s rental housing programs. Staff recommends a full City Council <br />discussion regarding program funding. <br />Previous Actions <br />·Staff provided City Council with an update on the status of the Tenant Relocation <br />Assistance Program on September 6, 2016. <br />·On June 19, 2017, the City Council reviewed and received public comments on the first <br />reading of the proposed ordinance to create a Tenant Relocation Assistance Program. <br />There were 11 public comments: 3 from renters/renter advocates and 8 from <br />landlords/realtors. The City Council voted 6-1 to revise the Ordinance with the 4 <br />changes listed in “Summary and Recommendation” above and bring back the <br />Ordinance for first reading on July 3, 2017. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />·The City Council Rules Committee was the primary legislative body for the proposed <br />Tenant Relocation Assistance Program. The Rules Committee met on the following <br />dates to initiate and refine the proposed measures and text in the proposed Ordinance: <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/27/2017 <br />30