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10A Action Items 2017 0703
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2017 0703
10A Action Items 2017 0703
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />EXHIBIT A <br /> Chapter 4.37 TENANT RELOCATION ASSISTANCE <br /> <br />Article 1. Purpose 4-37-100 Purpose. In enacting these regulations the City Council recognizes the need to protect long-term tenants and tenant households in need from the adverse health, safety and economic impacts of <br />displacement. It is the purpose and intent of the City Council to mitigate such impacts on these <br />residents consistent with this Chapter. <br /> Article 2. Definitions 4-37-200 Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain <br />words and phrases used in this Chapter are defined as follows: <br /> (a) BASE RENT means the rent for residential property required to be paid by the tenant to the landlord in the month immediately preceding the effective date of the rent increase. Base rent shall not include ancillary services including, but not limited, to pet deposits, storage, additional parking or utility pass-throughs. (b) CITY means the City of San Leandro. <br /> (c) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR means the Director of the <br />Community Development Department of the City of San Leandro, or his or her designated representative. (d) CITY COUNCIL means the City Council of the City of San Leandro. (e) LANDLORD means any person, partnership, corporation, or other business <br />entity offering for rent or lease any residential property in the City. “Landlord” shall include the <br />agent or representative of the landlord, provided that such agent or representative shall have full authority to answer for the landlord and enter into binding agreements on the landlord’s behalf. (f) LANDLORD-CAUSED TERMINATION means a landlord taking action to terminate the tenancy of a tenant occupying residential property. A landlord-caused termination also includes the circumstance where a landlord provides the tenant with a proposed rent increase <br />that raises the rent, or proposed multiple rent increases that cumulatively raise the rent, to an <br />amount more than fifteen twelve percent (125%) greater than the base rent that was in place at any time during a twelve (12) month period, and the tenant elects to not remain in the residential property. This excludes circumstances where the proposed rent increase is rescinded by the landlord and excludes residential properties where landlords may establish the initial and all <br />subsequent rental rates for a residential property pursuant to California Civil Code Section <br />1954.52. A landlord-caused termination shall not include the following circumstances: (1) Failure to pay rent. Tenant failed to pay rent within three days of receiving written notice from the landlord demanding payment in accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161. (2) Breach of rental contract. Tenant violated a material term of the rental agreement <br />with the landlord for occupancy of residential property. <br />33
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