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File Number: 16-557 <br />Note: The first two components of this recommendation are essentially <br />complete. A consultant services agreement for a parking management <br />consultant in on the City Council agenda for July 17, 2017. <br />B. Simplify Parking Time Stays <br />§Short-Term Actions: Conditions exist to move forward immediately (0-12 months) <br />o Immediate Steps: <br />§Establish parking zones - City staff will need to establish enforcement <br />zones like those delineated on the DPMP Figure 2 program maps <br />§Off-street: each lot and garage as a different zone: <br />1. Washington Plaza (N&S) <br />2. Pelton Center <br />3. Estudillo Parking Garage <br />4. Daniel Best Building Lot <br />5. Library Lot <br />§On-street parking can be separated into the following zones; Relocate <br />current single space meters to on-street short-term parking spaces. <br />Consider keeping parking meter poles in place until long-term equipment <br />solution is selected. <br />A. 4 hour parking on San Leandro Blvd <br />B. 3 hour RPP West of E. 14th <br />C. 3 hour parking on West side of E. 14th <br />D. 3 hour parking on East side of E. 14th <br />E. 3 hour RPP East of E. 14th <br />§Install signs indicating parking zone areas (See Recommendation G) <br />§Develop no re-parking ordinance for all time-limited parking zones in <br />the Downtown. The ordinance will include citation policy. It will be <br />necessary to make it clear that the downtown parking is based on a zone <br />system. Parkers will be allowed to move and park in other zones during <br />the day- but unable to re-park in the same zone during that enforcement <br />period. The goal is to motivate parkers to park in the Estudillo, BART or <br />Tech Campus garages if they need to park longer than 2-3 hours. <br />C. Residential Parking Permit <br />§Short-Term Actions: Conditions exist to move forward immediately (0-12 months): <br />• Identify City Department to be responsible for administering RPP program <br />until/unless third party contractor is hired. <br />• Establish Geographic RPP Zones East and West of E14th Avenue based on map in <br />DPMP Figures 2 and 4 above. <br />• Establish fee schedule and enforcement hours <br />o Suggested Fees: $25/year <br />o Suggested Hours: M-F 8-6PM <br />• Establish program for the sale of visitor passes <br />o 1 day passes: $1/day <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />591