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File Number: 17-427 <br />Public present: Teresa Harbboth; Bea C. Duncan; Ann Sekhon; Jeet Singh; Burpinder <br />Singh; Jaine Rojas; Bob Sekhon; David Alga; Sallie Goetsh; Stefan Didak; Tamiko Johnson; <br />Paul Cummingts; Harbans Singh; Prashant Shah; Paul Sekhon; Vashone Huff; Dennis <br />Ducey; Stephanie Ferguson; Brian Davis; Steven G.; Sanjiv Patel; Stacey Trongstrom; <br />Wisam Al-deen; Emily Griego; Alexandra Wilson; Kathy Ko; B. Duncan; Ann Sankom; <br />Teresa Harbord; David Alga; Sally Goetsh; Stefan Didak; Steve Greenhead; Kris Vashone; <br />Sangeet Singh;Serena Chin; Jim Kroll; Menesh Johnson; Stacy T.; Paul Cummings Hussan <br />1. B. Announcements <br />None. <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2. A.Tobacco Retail License Vice Mayor Thomas requested City Attorney Rich Pio Roda <br />provide a brief overview of the ordinance and its penalties. <br />City Attorney Rich Pio Roda discussed the following: <br />·Cigars and flavors: A complete ban is proposed. Additional options include limiting <br />enforcement of the ordinance to school zones with current retailers being <br />grandfathered in. <br />·Pack size: 5-packs are the minimum in other jurisdictions. Additional options <br />include application to 15-packs; 5-10 packs or no limitation <br />·E-cigarettes: Flavors are banned. Additional options include banning within a <br />certain distance of schools; no band on flavors; or ban only on flavors with nicotine. <br />·Minimum age of the sales clerk: A sales clerk cannot sell tobacco items unless at <br />least 21 years old. Additional option is to reduce the minimum age to 18 years old. <br />·Penalties: <br />1st Violation = Written warning <br />2nd Violation = Revocation with eligibility to reapply in 30 days; <br />3rd Violation = Revocation with eligibility to reapply in 90 days <br />4th Violation = 5-year ban <br />·Neighboring cities compared (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, unless otherwise stated) <br />o El Cerrito: 10-day suspension; 30-day suspension; 60-suspension; revocation <br />o Hayward: 3rd violation = revocation; Action taken upon 3rd violation; <br />o Sonoma: 30-day suspension; 90-day suspension; 1-year suspension; revocation <br />o Berkeley: 30-day suspension; 90-day suspension; 1-year suspension; revocation <br />·Conclusion: Awaiting the committee’s direction and future scheduling <br />3.PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />There were 23 speakers on this item: Alexandra Wilson; Kathy Ko; B. Duncan; Brian <br />Davis; Stephanie Ferguson; Ann Sekhon; Teresa Harbord; David Alga; Sally Goetsh; <br />Stefan Didak; Steve Greenhead; Not Ascertainable; Kris Vashone; Sangeet Singh; <br />Serena Chin; Emily Griego; Jim Kroll; Menesh Johnson; Stacy T.; Paul Cummings; Paul <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />272