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File Number: 17-427 <br />Sakon; Hussan; Not Ascertainable (2) <br />4.COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Ballew made the following framing points: <br />·Purpose of the ordinance is to de-normalize the use of tobacco and flavored tobacco <br />around our kids while trying to balance needs of our business community. <br />·A few facts regarding the health risks associated with smoking: $38.6 million per year <br />in health costs to San Leandro /$468 per resident, smoking and non-smoking. <br />·10,000 of San Leandro residents live below the poverty level. <br />·40,000 Californians died of smoking-related cancer last year/111 people per day die of <br />Cancer. <br />·More than 6,666 people have died of smoking-related Cancer since the last Rules <br />Committee meeting. Journal of American Medicine. <br />·2014-2015 - 39% of SLUSD 11th grade, healthy kids have smoked <br />e-cigarettes/243 kids. <br />·As early as 1972, memo suggested adding sweetening flavors to cigars to attract <br />new smokers <br />·Youth uptake is down; and out of the same report today it is stated that the past <br />30-day use is 11.3%/260 SL High School students <br />·Understands the loss of business <br /> Three main issues: cigars, penalties, and age of the clerk <br />Vice Mayor Thomas asked City Attorney Rich Pio Roda whether the ordinance would apply <br />to on-line retail sales. City Attorney responded Yes and clarified NO as to on-line <br />wholesalers. Vice Mayor indicated that he has met with the public and understands that the <br />stated penalties are of concern; thus, he mentioned restructuring the penalties and trying to <br />find a middle ground. <br />Vice Mayor’s Suggestions: <br />1. Proposed Penalty Structure: (Primary focus of the previous council meeting) <br />1st Penalty = Written warning <br />2nd Penalty = $2,500 fine <br />3rd Penalty = 30-day suspension <br />4th Penalty = Same/Revocation-eligible to reapply after 5 years with prohibition of <br />tobacco sale at the location during the 5 years (to be amended below) within a <br />60-month period <br />2. Clerk’s age: Reduce it to 18 years <br />3. 5-year probation (eligibility) after 4th violation be reduced to 3 years <br />4. Pack size: consider minimum price of $7 <br />Vice Mayor asked Councilmember Ballew if he would like to reply. <br />Councilmember Ballew suggested: <br />·Adding a fine for the clerk who violates the ordinance - $500 each time; thus, the store <br />owner and clerk have an interest in adhering to the requirements. <br />·In addition to minimum price of $7 per pack add 5-pack minimum <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />273