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File Number: 17-392 <br />estimates. The current year's estimate for Franchise Fees revenue is $44,000 greater than <br />budgeted in 2015-16. Franchise Fees increased by $82,000 or approximately 4% from the <br />same period last year. Franchise Fees are expected to meet estimates and be slightly greater <br />than 2015-16, but will be closely watched and reported on. <br />The following details General Fund year over year revenue variances that are equal to or <br />greater than + or - 10% and are presented in the order they are shown on the 3rd Quarter <br />financial report: <br />Property Transfer Tax (130% of adopted budget compared to 90% in 2015-16) - Property <br />Transfer tax increased by over $1 million or 45% largely due to the sale of three industrial <br />sites that resulted in over $989,000 in Property Transfer Tax revenue. However, because <br />Property Transfer tax is tied directly to the sale of real property, it is difficult to predict and can <br />vary from year to year. As such, it should not be relied on as a stable source of revenue for <br />ongoing operations. <br />Interest & Property Income (79% of adopted budget compared to 71% in 2015-16) - <br />Interest and Property Income reflects an increase of $103,000 or 12%. This is primarily due <br />to more detailed cash flow analysis prepared by City staff, which allowed for liquid assets not <br />needed for immediate operations to be placed into accounts which bear greater return than <br />the City’s general checking account. Nevertheless, while bearing higher returns, the <br />investment vehicles used still conform to the City’s investment policy of safety, liquidity, and <br />return; in that order. Thus, the City still has sufficient liquid assets to meet its ongoing <br />operational needs. Interest and Property Income also rose due to an improved Fixed Income <br />investment market the past 9 months as well as higher returns generated by the Local Agency <br />Investment Fund (LAIF). <br />Licenses & Permits (71% of adopted budget compared to 90% in 2015-16) -Licenses & <br />Permits decreased in the third quarter of the fiscal year by $379,000 or 21%. This could be <br />indicative of a softening construction sector, but it must also be weighed in light of tremendous <br />growth in FY 2015-16. City staff still expects budget estimates to be met by year-end and will <br />watch this area closely. <br />Other/Transfer (55% of adopted budget compared to 35% in 2015-16) - Other revenue <br />increased by $121,000 or 58% primarily due to an increase in donations received by the City, <br />greater Police Abandoned Vehicle fees, and greater Sidewalk Repair fees. <br /> <br />As reported in the attached 3rd Quarter Financial Report, all other taxes and revenue receipts <br />are relatively in line with budgeted revenues. The fourth quarter report will show a closer <br />estimate to what the year-end results will reflect. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br /> <br />The following details General Fund year over year expenditure variances that are equal to or <br />greater than + or - 10% and are presented in the order they are shown on the 3rd Quarter <br />financial report: <br />Engineering and Transportation (76% of adopted budget compared to 77% in 2015-16) <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/11/2017 <br />361